Tuesday, July 7, 2020

$25000 a day from webinars

 - What is the best way to make money from home? People are bored right now. Take your stuff virtually. So looking at the numbers, we're doing about. - Peng Joon. - Peng Joon. - Peng Joon is here. - I want you to set your expectations high. Because I will massively exceed them. Day 15 of being self-quarantined. And today you're gonna see behind the scenes, to how I manage a virtual event. We have close to about a 1000 people registered. And you're gonna see how the setup works. This webinar, where we are going to attempt to give the registrants an amazing experience. Make a compelling offer. And you're gonna be able to see numbers. What is probably the best way to engage, to deliver value, as well as to make money from home, while being quarantined. Right now, more than ever, attention online is absolutely cray. For the first time ever, ad costs has actuallydecreased significantly.

And even though this webinar that you're about to see behind the scenes, to how I strategized the entire thing. We are not spending any money this is zero ad spent on this. This is literally just through just three emails, posted out two and a half days ago. One Facebook live and one Instagram swipe-up. So, these are the three main channels we utilized to get about, I think it was about 900 so far, registered. The setup is gonna be over here this time. But I realized that I do not wanna sit down, so I'm probably going to deliver the entire thing standing up, okay. Because I wanna have higher energy. Okay, so it's gonna be like this. Sorry Gary, I'm gonna use you as a stand. So I wanted to be higher up, 'cause I'm going to be standing up. Literally, couple of books. Got a great mic. Clicker. Slide deck. Professional set up. So, one of the best ways to make money right now, is by delivering virtual events. This could be webinars, online trainings, workshops, that's done online. And the reason for that is because well, live events are probably gonna be shut down for at least a good couple of months. And right now because people are stuck at home, everyone's quarantined, attention is higher than ever. So today, this webinar that I will be doing, is literally showing people how to make that happen. So basically, this is the webinar page.

These are the five pillars. I'm gonna be teaching them. How do you get people to register for your virtual event and maximize the registration rate. I'm gonna be showing them, how do you get them to show up after they register. How do you maximize the stick rate, so people actually stick around through your entire virtual event. How do you make a compelling offer, which is your close rate. And how do you make the most out of your virtual event, which is the follow up rate. So this is the sign up page. I'm gonna get people to register. If you are to implement these strategies, and if you were to dothese virtual events, you would absolutely crush it right now because attention's at all time high and even if you have no following, even if you totally new, right now, ads are, I would say, is priced at 2017 pricing. And if you understand these different numbers, which I will show you on this video. You'll be able to see how and why it's probably one of the most profitable methods to scale online right now. I'm actually late, it's 11 o'clock. And this is my current set up. I wanted to do a webinar standing up so that I have my energy levels high. It's gonna be two and a half hours, ish. So I'm gonna leave you guys over here. So that you guys can see behind the scenes to what's happening. I'm gonna be standing here and presenting. Notice how it's not a professional, well, yeah, it's not a professional set up. Doing it in my shorts. Last minute checks. Did someone take my? Welcome everybody, I'm just getting set up.

Good to see you guys coming in. Wow, insane. First of all, welcome, let me know where youguys are connecting from. Singapore, Ronald from Philippines. Rashnmi from San Jose. Thomas from Michigan. Jorje from Peru. Khina from India. Malaysia, Canada, Egypt. Five in the morning, from Germany. Hong Kong. From Romania. From South Africa. From San Francisco. Florida. First of all guys, thank you so much for being here. We had about a 1000 people registered for this event. I will do everything in my power to make it well worth your time. Okay, so the purpose of me doing this, is that I know with the whole virus and crisis that's happening, there's a ton of uncertainty. There's a ton of panic. There's a lot of things that people have no idea, what to do, what's going on, how to prevent. And the truth is everyone is affected, including me. But one thing that has really affected me, two weekends ago I was in Poland, and if you watched my You Tube video. This is insane. It's like everywhere I'm going, empty. - [News Reporter] Coronaviruscases, up to 13000 currently. - [News Reporter] The worst thing that is happening in the world right now. - We might not be able to leave the country. - Just get out. - In one weekend I lost over $127000 from that canceled event, while still incurring all of the cost, the hotel, everything. So I was already in Poland, ready to do that event with my team, it was like a Hollywood movie. I had to fly back before the country gets locked down. It was in a state of panic. I'm here to say that, I understand how you might feel right now. How do you adjust? And how do you make the most of this thing that's happening without being opportunistic. All right so, party's over. This was a much longer webinar, that I thought, it was three hours. Standing for three hours is interesting. Especially presenting in. So looking at the numbers, I think we did pretty decent. So yesterday we did about18K, this in Singapore dollars, so it's like about 15. Today's, well, the day hasn't ended yet, and sales are still coming in. But we're doing about 25K so far. No we had two options.

 I tried a new monthly, recurring 247 as well as yearly 2497. But ultimately, it was about giving people what they want now. Which is helping them to pivot online. So the question I'd like you to ask yourself is, can you do some sort of virtual training? Where you enable your audience in that specific niche, to meet up virtually online. 'Cause if you think about different businesses right now. If you sell gym equipment, people aren't buying,you know, gym equipment, or they're not going to a gym right now. To pivot, it would be selling a workout from home program where you could potentially do workouts together. Or, lead with that, and then sell the workout gear that you could utilize from home. That could be one, if you have like a painting school, where kids or adults come in and learn how to paint. I literally saw that offer and I thought it was brilliant. But guess what, people are bored right now. If you can take your stuff virtually, that's what I did, I held a webinar teaching people how to take stuff virtually. And if you can do that right now, these are the people, like during a time like this, the people that win, is not the strongest, it's not the smartest, but the people that can adjust the best. All right, so let's end with this. Okay, let's end with, so how can you make it happen? If you were to try to model what I did today, by doing a virtual eventto serve your audience, when everyone is stuck at home, so that you can actually help them, entertain them, 'cause they're bored, give them great value and have them invested in whatever it is you have to offer. How do you actually do it, if you want to model what I did today. So, number one is, you wanna drive traffic to your virtual event. Okay, for me personally, it was utilizing three emails, Facebook and Instagram. Zero dollars spent, and that's of course, you might be thinking,well Peng Joon it's because you have a list and you have a following. Sure, I mean it took awhile to build that up, but for you right now,if you're totally new, you could be paid for traffic. So for example, let's say you have this page that shows them this specific promise or outcome or result, that they want to generate. So it could be even fitness, let's say it could be how to get fit during this time of quarantine and have amazing workout in 21 days while the rest is binge watching Netflix. Join us for this upcoming masterclass on these three things, five steps or seven moves that you must know if you wanna be able to utilize this next three weeks to be in the best shape of your life, okay. So, whatever it's called,okay so there's just a random you know fitness thing, okay. So think about like, how canyou give them great value by giving them this amazing training, okay. So, once they register for this, okay.
So, this is when they were entered, their name and email. And this is the same sequence that I'm utilizing right now, okay. So you're probably thinking, but Peng Joon, so how do I get people to come register for this? Okay, so if you watch my other videos and Facebook ads, you are now gonna run ads to people with an interest, that would be interested in a topic like this. Right now, cost per registrant has decreased about 25 percent in the last 10 days. Which is amazing, again, it'slike 2017 prices right now. Cost per webinar registrant, it shouldn't cost you more than $10 right now, to get somebody to register for this event. Let's say, now basic math here. Let's say for every personthat land on this page, about 50% of people would register. So let's say, yourregistration conversion, and that's the key word over here. I just realized that everything's inverted. Okay, let's see. 50% of people register, so that means, or rather, out of the $10for people registered, 50% of people show up, so that means, if it cost you $10 to get a name and email and 50% of people show up, that means that it would be $20 cost per attendee. 'Cause 50% of people show up right, so it costs you $10 toget a name and email, 50% of people show up, so that means a ost of a person being at the event, will be $20. So if lets say you want a 100 people to show up, that could cost you two grand if you have no list, advertising to a cold audience.

 However, if you sold a$997 offer, all you need is to get a 2% conversion, which is considered bad, by the way. In order to break even. Right, 'cause you would have two people that showed up, that would have invested in your $997 offer. A good benchmark to go for, is about 10% on a $2000 offer. So if you can go and strive for this main benchmark, which is 10% on a $2000 offer of 1997. If you had a 100 people show up, you would have 10 sales, generating you $20000, okay. You would have spent $2000 to get a room of 100 virtual attendees. You would have got 10 X your returns from these numbers. Okay so to recap, it would be,you set up this landing page, which in a description box, I'll show you how. Yeah you can get a same funnel that I'm gonna share with you, which is the webinar funnel, okay. You send traffic to this page to get people registered. And the flow would be if you can pay $10 per registrant, which is very standard, and a 50% of people show up, you're paying $20 per show up. If you go on a 100 people, that means it will cost you $2000, and if you are selling the $2000 product and you can get 10% close rate, which is very realistic, and possible, if you are experienced and if you have practice. But if not, you just need 2%close rate and a $997 offer to break even. So literally this is something that you can actually practice, and I don't know if, I haven't really decided yet, if I wanna give the replay of what I did today.

Some of you are probably thinking, so Peng Joon can I see what your pitch looked like, what your presentation looked like. It may or may not be there, depending on when this video is released. But if it's there, it's going to be in the description box below. So that you can see the same webinar that I presented today. But if not, at the very least, you're going to get the webinar funnel, so that it's, all you need to do is change the word, change the graphics and you're good to go. But this is a great way right now to be working from home and to be presenting and to be producing content when the rest of the world is consuming. First of all, like this video, it does help out with the algorithm a little bit. Make sure you subscribe,let me know in the comments, what type of future videos you would like to see, as well as your biggest take away. And I'll see you in the next video. 

$20000 per month from blog

 I'm dmk. I'm an affiliate marketer and for the last four years, I've been running a seven-figure business but I got my start with blogging. Now, in this video I'm gonna show you how I was consistently making $20,000 commissions every single month from my little blog and I'm gonna walk you through how you can as well. Let's get it. So blogging is one of the simplest ways to earn an income online and get in front of people. Google is serving you up on a golden platter specific people that are googling specific search terms in their engine and you can get in front of them simply by writing a blog post. There's two ways to go about making money online with blogs, obviously there's a lot of business models you could be selling consulting e-commerce affiliate marketing I teach affiliate marketing that's what I do . 

But, I'm going to focus just on getting traffic to your blog, okay? Now, the first approach is you could go after broad terms such as best baby diapers or really untargeted terms where people are looking for a selection of items and this approach I found is very hard if you're just starting out. There are a lot of websites out there who have a lot of authority there's baby lists there's Lucy's list there's all these mom websites that have been around for 10 years or more and they they have these big keywords really nailed down. The way to make money in the way I got started making money online with blogging was in 2012 and that was using very targeted terms, buyers words. So before I jump on my computer and show you the examples of a website that I used and the terms I was going after, I need to first explain intent to you the concept of keyword intent. So you can think of it like a funnel, okay? And up here you have lots of people searching for terms but they're not as interested in buying. Lots of people that are searching for you know that are searching millions of times a month or a year for these search terms and down here you have very few people who are searching for little very on targeted terms. But up here you have very little money because the people don't really they aren't really ready to buy whatever product or service you're offering yet, whereas down here you have big money.

Okay? Now, if you're getting started out in internet marketing if you're starting an internet business and you want to make money you want to make passive profits, you're not gonna be able to compete up here again the broad area is not for you which you want to go for is the less you want to be the sniper and get the big money because there's big money in little traffic and I'm gonna show you an example of how. So, let's start out with a very innocuous example. So people searching for a term such as TVs, Okay? TVs would be a very common term people who are searching to buy a TV the first thing you might Google is TVs. That same person though the people who are really getting specific might start googling a more specific term such as 72 inch TV this person has a little better idea of what they want and getting in front of that person with a selection of 72 inch TVs would be much more targeted way to goabout making money as either an affiliate or an e-commerce person. Howcan we get more targeted than 72 inch TV? Well let's go a little bit deeper. Samsung 72 inch TV. Now, we're getting a little bit more specific the person not only knows what size of TV they want but they know the actual brand name. Now,we're starting to get somewhere and this is where we start seeing we can start seeing some money we can show people ads based on a Samsung 72 inch TV there aren't too many Samsung 72 inch TVs so we're hitting less people but we're hitting people who are much more assured of what they want now how can you get more specific than this? Now, getting more specific than a keyword such as Samsung 72 inch TV might seem a little difficult at first but that's where the money is. Son zoo said the obstacle is the way I'm gonna show you how in just a second here. Now, I'm gonna jump a little bit ahead and go straight to the big money terms I hope you don't mind if that's alright with you but the big money term would be this, samsung six to zero one two zero six.

You might be thinking John are you totally crazy have you completely lost your mind? Who would search for Samsung six two zero one two zero six, that just seems like a bunch of numbers. What this term is right here you may think nobody's actually searching for this long string of numbers. But what this search term actually is, is this is a skew number this is the actual model number of this particular samsung TV. The only people that are searching for this specific term are people who have actually gone into a Best Buy or a Walmart looked at the price of the TV and are googling i ton line to find a cheaper price because they believe they can get a cheaper price online. These are buyers and finding these sorts of keyword terms in your niche it takes research it takes almost insider knowledge but these are the terms that if you can snipe them you can write a blog article about them and target these specific terms then you're in the money. You're in the big money . Now, I'm on my computer and am i googling one of these very specific terms for a samsung 72 inch TV and if you see on my screen right here the search term I searched for is Samsung it's even longer it's Samsung UN seven five whatever eight to five and this was this is the actual model number of a Samsung I guess they only have 75 inch TVs but that's what I'm using right here. And what you'll see is that this term actually gets 344 impressions per month. That's a lot of people searching for such a highly specific term and again 75 inch TVs are the highest end TVs you can get.

The point I'm trying to demonstrate is that there is massive volume there's more volume than you would think in these unbelievably targeted keywords and if you figure them out you can put yourself in front of big buyers who will spend lots of money whether it's on your own products or in a product that you're marketing for someone else. Let me show you an example from my own actual marketing campaigns and explain to you the process I went through to make$20,000 a month consistently from just blogging online and then I'll show you one of the websites an example of a website that's similar to mine that I used to earn this sort of money so when So when I started out affiliate marketing I did it on I didn't even know I was doing affiliate marketing I was actually working for a a client who was paying me a base amount of money to manage his adsbut he gave me a bonus because he wanted to incentivize me to utilize the fullpotential of my skills and he said John I will pay $10,000 a month base or 3percent of of the revenue we collect in my company for you to do my ads he says I want to get a lot of leads and I want to get a lot of money he says I want you to make as much money for my company as possible that's why I'm leaving your income uncapped it was the opportunity of lifetime and the client was willing to pay for all of the ads himself coming across that was a drop of gold it was a drop of luck now the company I was I was marketing for was an investment company so what I could have done to market this company I could have tried to blog around the key word investments now this keyword is way too broad and I would never get my blog ranked for it nor would I necessarily make any money again the way this works is yes a lot of people are searching for investment or investments but there's not that much money in it relatively speaking overall the investment market is massive there's so much money in it even even in an untargeted term there's just the amount of money an investment world is unbelievable but that being said that even bigger money is down here in the more targeted targeted terms so the next thing I did was I got specific what type of investments was the company I was working for selling they were selling gold investments. So I could have ranked myself for the term gold investments.

Again,slightly more targeted less people are searching for this term it's a bit longer it's much more specific gold investments a very specific type of investor who's looking to invest in gold. Isn't that targeted enough? isn't that specific enough? Well, we're gonna go more deeper. Now, a more specific term than this would be actually going deeper into how you could do this. These are all terms that get search volume. This is the next more specific term 401k gold rollover. That's gotta work right? That's gotta work how can you get more specific than that, what even is a 401 K gold roller? Over I had no idea when I was marketing this company what the heck of 401 K was or what the heck or roll over was I was 24 at the time, but what I learned was that 401K's are retirement accounts right I'm 24. How the heck am I supposed to know that term and rollovers are a specific way that you move money from a retirement account into another asset class such as gold. Now, this is a person looking for such a specific term. They they have a 401 K they're looking to move it into gold through a rollover how can you get more specific to buyers than that? Let's go deeper Rosland capital that's got to be the term. I don't even know what that is. Rosland capital is a competitor gold company to the one that I was marketing.The only people that would be searching for Rosland capital are people that are not only interested in a 401 K gold rollover but they'd seen an ad for Rosland capital and they may be interested in working with the company. Therefore, this is somebody who's already interested in doing a 401k rollover. They believe they have a company they want to work with they're just looking for a little more information. Surely this has to be the term but I went one level deeper and this was where the big money was and this is how I was created to create an income stream for myself that lasted for years .

This was the money term Rosland capital review, somebody who was searching for a review of Rosland capital was interested in being a customer of the company but not necessarily totally convinced that Rosland capital was the right company to conduct their gold 401k rollover. Now that left the door wide open for somebody like me to recommend the company that I was an affiliate for simply by saying that Rosland capital it's a company but it's not necessarily the best company out there. That seed of doubt that somebody already had in their mind by searching for this word review that little seed of doubt that the prospect for this company had, I was able to use to do well maybe I was slightly biased but rating ratings and reviews of this company and the other gold companies in the industry, a nd end up recommending the company I worked for which paid me to get me more customers for them and which I believe is the best gold company around. Now I created a consistent income stream by putting up reviews of other gold companies in this space and I'm going to show you an example of one of an example of the type of blog that I put up to make this sort of money. Now I don't work in this space anymore but this is an example to illustrate to you what is possible and how you can go about things. So here I am in on a review site it's called gold IRA handbook and I put up site something similar to this.

This was on a Word press site I was hosting it through a Bluehost I believe and only pain you know it only costs a few bucks per month to host a website. It's very cheap to host a website doesn't cost a lot of money. Now, what I did was I simply wrote a review and I ranked for the term Rosland capital review. Now, if you go down here you'll see that it's you know I would do something similar to this.What does Rosland Capital offer. Who is Rosland capital? Things I like about  Rosland capital, things I don't like about Rosland capital and this is whereyou start to capitalize on the the things that make it an imperfect company.Okay, this is where your get a chance to expand on that seed of doubt within that customers mind to recommend whatever you are an affiliate for. Now, again my intention for this was to get more customers for the company I'm working for to afford myself a living. Some of you may not be okay with this sort of marketing but it is perfectly legal it is perfectly sound by all laws and it works you may be unsure about this marketing because you can see its effectiveness but I hope nobody here doubts the effectiveness of the marketing I'm doing in creating customers and in creating massive amounts of wealth for marketers. Now, here we go and you know I put the reviews I put their ratings and all that stuff. Okay? Ripoff reports the more information you compile the more you're helping the world be more transparent actually, so by compiling information with reviews like this you are not only helping the customer but you're helping yourself.

Now, I did the same thing that this affiliate does which I recommended a gold company at the end and the company I was working with was regal assets right there and by doing this it may seem like a crazy amount of work it may seem like it's a lot of work to go to to make money but this is just a blog post this is this is only about 250 or maybe 500  words to write which takes about 30 minutes to write and you said it you forget it and you can rank for it. And if you go after targeted keywords like this,you'll have a much easier time ranking than if you were going after terms such as gold investment. And that's how I made money by putting my affiliate link down here and getting people who went through my affiliate link invested millions upon millions upon millions of dollars every year with the company I was recommending and it made me a lot of money. Now, let me know in the comments if this was helpful .

If this was on fire if you learned something just type in "boom" in the comments or type it "on fire" in the comments if you learn something new from these examples and from seeing examples on my computer of actual affiliate marketing websites of actual affiliate marketing tactics that can make you massive amounts of money. If you aren't subscribed to my channel yet make sure you click that subscribe button wherever it is and hit those notification bells because I do crazy live streams sometimes I do giveaways I have a marketing course six week marketing course on affiliate marketing where sometimes I'll give that away on live streams, but I'd love to see your interaction on things and I'd love to see if this was really helpful I'll do more of this. Thanks for tuning in and here's to your prosperity and success see you soon. 

Make $100 per day from Tumbler 2020

 Blog, blog, blog, blog, Blog. Everybody talks about how you should start a blog. Screw that. In this video I'm going to show you how to make money from the largest blogging platform in the world without actually blogging. I'm going to show you how you can get in front of 371 million people that use this platform without ever doing a blog post. Sounds miraculous,sounds crazy. But stay tuned. I'm going to show you on my computer how you can get that nice sweet affiliate commission money sent straight to your bank account.Let's get it. Whoo so Tumblr, Tumblr money. So Tumblr is the biggest blog platform in the world. 371 million people use Tumblr and I'm going to show you how to make money from it.

Anywhere from a $100 to $500 per day without ever putting up a blog post. Now if you're wondering, this the methods that I'm going over, they work anywhere in the world. You can make this moneyanywhere in the world no matter what country you're from. You can also get it no matter what age you are. You can be 14 years old and make money doing this. The way the money will get sent to you is either by a check so you need an address for like the check to get sent to. Sorry if you live in some like weird village and like Cameroon or whatever. They don't have addresses. You won't get money or you need a bank account it'll be sent via wire. So once again, I'm going to be showing you how to get in front of 371 million people right here. So let's go to my computer and this method is pretty simple. Now the first thing you need to understand about getting this money. You need to sell products. And what we're going to be doing, we're not I'm not going to be talking about drop shipping ore-commerce. I'm not going to be talking about you know consulting or starting anown social media agency because all of those methods require you to do work or require you to buy products. What I'm going to be going over here is completely free. You don't have to buy any products, you don't have to buy any ads, you don't have to buy any software.

You don't have to do any of that, okay? None of that and it doesn't require you to have to do like you know do the support work yourself right? If you're selling on eBay or if you'reselling consulting or if you're selling you know your agency services. You're going to actually have to do work for people. You're going to actually have to ship somebody something or have an address for people to return it for you or contact you for customer service. So none of that stuff is going to be involved in what I'm going to be teaching you about today. We're going over affiliate marketing. Now, I put a bunch of handy links in the description of affiliate networks you can join. You'll need to join an affiliate network to get product links to get affiliate links to use this method. So that's the first requirement.So now there's a number of different affiliate platforms you can join and I suggest you join them all. When I got started, I really shot myself in the foot because I only joined one affiliate network and I thought that was my life.But once I joined a lot of affiliate networks, I start to understand. So I suggest you join them all. I'm a member of like 25, actually probably more like 50 or maybe even a 100 affiliate networks. Digistore24, there's MaxWeb.There's a link to MaxWeb in the description. There's a link to... This is one of my favorite - Super affiliate Network right here. Six figure mentors which is another affiliate network. Which has a training involved in it as well and there's click funnels. Click funnels is a really cool affiliate program because they will buy you a dream car. If you get a 100 sales, if you earn a100 commission's with them. They'll actually buy you a car. They'll give youa thousand dollars towards a nice car like this Ferrari you see that Todd Lamb just brought. But the one we're going to be focused on is Clickbank. So for the example of the method I'm going to show you of how you can make $100 to $500dollars a day just blogging without even posting. I'm going to use my own program asthe example, okay? Let's go in the affiliate. So you'll have to sign up and once you sign up you'll go to the affiliate marketplace which is right there and then you will click...Go down right here where it says e-business and marketing and inside the e-business and marketing category you'll see there's421 products that you can promote right there. So we're going to go down to my products usually at the top, towards the top and it's right here called the super affiliate system. And you'll earn about $500 when you get a sale of this product.

So you'll just click remote and then what I'll type in is Tumblr, okay? I'm going to click generate hop link, copy the link or click this link, copied, paste our link in there. We're going to click shorten and then I'm going to copy this link or click this button to copy it.Boom! Now what I did and what I like to do when I'm marketing is I like to keep a little notepad up. So I just brought up this is a standard program with Windows called Notepad and I just posted in my Clickbank link right here. As you see, I posted in my short link right here just for handy reference because we're going to be using this later on in the training. Okay? To make money. Now, during this training I'm going to be referencing this one document. It's called SAS proven message swipes and at the end of this training, I'm going to show you where you can access this or I'm going to tell you where you can access this link in order to get the same templates that I'm using. So that you can go out and copy and paste these things on your own. But I do suggest that you modify some of these scripts so you can learn more and you can test out your marketing skills. Beat my scripts so that you can be successful or more successful. So what I'll do is I'llclick on Tumblr right here to go down to the Tumblr section and we see an example of a number of Tumblr blogs we might want to follow. So we see this blog which 365 marketing. We have Einstein marketer, we have and I'm just going to open up a lotof these blogs that are on Tumblr. Luxury, Motivation, etc. Now as you see people have Tumblr blogs with all sorts of images in them. This one's about luxury stuff. You know, luxury places.
Luxury houses. My theory around this isis that people interested in luxury stuff are going to be interested in making more money because most people who have luxury items are not looking at luxury items, okay? It's just usually it's people who are wanting okay?People who don't have but they want it, they look at this stuff. It's kind of like eye porn and we're going to reach out to some of these people and we're going to do is offer for them a good way to make extra money. And this is how you will make $500.So we're going to go in here and we're going to find people who are actually engaging with these or other followers of these blogs. Now, I'm promoting my own product in this example and if you want to promote other products, you saw there's thousands and thousands of thousands and hundreds of thousands of other products you can promote with those other affiliate networks that I joined. Now you'll have to kind of dive into the psychology of the people you want to sell to. Let's say you want to sell a weight-loss product, you have to dive into the psychology of what are people that are trying to lose weight. What are they interested in? For instance with weight loss, they might be interested in fitness, they might be interested in recipes or eating healthy. So you have to start to get to know your market and that this is another reason it's good to talk to people. One thingyou may not know about me is no matter where I go, I'm always talking to everybody. Even though I'm a multi-millionaire, doesn't matter who I'm with or what situation I'm in. If I'm in a poor part of town, if I'm in you know, I always sit in the front seat of lifts. It's one of my favorite things. It's ait's a kind of like a taxi company. I never sit in the back of the taxi. I always sit in the front because you meet people from all walks of life that are driving lifts and every time I go in a taxi, I order a taxi all the time. I ask, I basically interrogate each person I come across about their life, about what's going on their life, about what their problems are.

What  solutions they're trying to find, how they're dealing with things. What they think about you know what issues they're going on. What's happening in the area. I want to know everything about them because the more I understand people the better I'm going to be as a marketer. And that's an important kind of psychological shift to have is marketing is not about selling to people as much as it is about understanding what problems people are having and connecting them with a solution. And that's one of the reasons why I believe so strongly in what I do.You know I teach people affiliate marketing on with my training product -Super affiliate system and I'm helping people quit their jobs and become successful in life and I mean I've changed entire families around. It's really exciting. So whatever your motivation is, if you want to be a marketer, I suggest talk to a lot of people. You know, it's it's really worthwhile it'll help you be more empathetic and just learn more and be a better marketer. So now to find the people that are interested in these luxury items, what what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to mouse over this heart icon right here, okay? So that's where you get the engaged people and it says show show or hide notes, okay? And you see the notes have popped out here. Now you can see all these people who have engaged with this post and click on these and you can go to their their actual page, okay? So you see  I'm on their page now because everybody, every user on Tumblr has their own blog. So I'm going to  reach out to every one of these people, okay?There's only 12 people who have or 11 people have actually liked this post. And I'm going to use the ctrl button. You know you can right-click and say open in new tab. But I'm going to use the ctrl button. I'm just going to open up every one of these people. I'm going to send them a message because they're interested in luxury items. But maybe they don't have it, okay?And it's free to do so and what's great about this method is also that Tumblr is sending the email for you. So you have assured deliverability. So next when we're on the person's blog and you see all of these people. They're all individual users with their own blogs.
We're going to go up here, this iconright up here and if you see this, it's way up in the corner. It's kind of hard to see. But you're going to click on that little icon. Sorry, so we just clicked send message and now we can type in a message. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to click over here and I have a message template right here, okay? I'm going to copy and paste this and I'm going to paste it here and you'll see there's a few things in brackets that look a little bit out of place. I'm actually going to highlight this where it says insert interest and I'm just going to say luxury stuff. I wonder if you're doing any online work that's making money for you. I watch this guy's training and it seems to work pretty well, let me know your thoughts. It's a bit of a long training but the good stuff is about onehour. Now where these brackets are, you going to want to replace this with your link. And we see right here, we have our link. Boom!And we're just going to we're going to paste this and we're going to send a message. Boom! We just sent a message. Now, that we have our template, I mean it took like how long to get into this. I don't know. But the point is, I try to explain this to you so that you can actually do this and if you're going to take action on this and you're going to make some money doing this method, I'm going to show you more into this in just a second. But type in Tumblr money in the comments because we are making money doing this. This is so fast, this is so easy it's such a great way to reach people and you can do this over and over again. So look how fast I can do this now. We're going to do message, superior luxury.Boom! Post, okay? Let's go to another one. You know, this person.Click, message, boom! Post.

And we'll do this over and over and over again until more people see our links and until we actually start making some sales. Now remember the reason why this works is because we're actually getting very targeted. We have a huge audience. You know we have 371 million people we can reach but we're getting very targeted. We're only looking for people who want luxury stuff for motivation. I put in some other topics in the file that I'm going to give you in just a second here. But motivation, entrepreneurshipmarketing, luxury stuff, these are very targeted segments of people that were going after and we're offering them a way to make extra money and all of these people if they're interested in those interests, they want to make extra money.And we're giving them a path. Now, if you're enjoying this and you want to see more ways you can actually do marketing, I suggest you check out my free play list or free traffic method playlist. And I go over a number of other ways to actually make money online using free traffic methods. And remember, the more money you make, the more money I make. This is the only this number one make money a channel on YouTube where the incentives are aligned. I'm not trying to make money from ads and not trying to make money from selling you courses. I'm trying to make money with you. So let's work together. I want you to be successful. If you get success, guys. shout it out. Let me know when you get sales because I love seeing it. And check this out. Check out some of the results that some of my students are getting from this. It's actually insane. Now here's a student of mine, Josh Morka made $12,000 in a month, okay?

So here he is. He pulled out some of the money and I encourage all of my students in my program pull out their money and show it's real.Here's another student of mine, Georgina. Old woman from New Zealand. She's getting...Look at this. Oh like, multiple times a day. $25, $25, $25, $25, $25, 25, you get money every single day coming in.We got you know lots of successors. $7831 in a day, okay? We have JanVargas, making 1200 bucks in an hour and he pulled out the money to show his people. Gloria Cruz from Puerto Rico making tons of money. So we got a lot of success going on here. The methods work. you just have to put it into action. I mean people... This is a really cool one. This is Asan from Bangladesh. Made$8,000 per month. So he's making more than the average person in his country makes in one month. And this is a guy who started from nothing and hestarted doing affiliate marketing and he's making lots of money. So this is100% possible. You can do this. You just need to put it in action and if you want to get my resource file, what you'll do is you'll go to the link in the description of this video. The link is also johncrestani.comm/resource and what all you have to do is you have to click on at the top, click on Tumblr and I gave you some examples of blogs to follow. I gave you some examples of terms to find new blogs and I give you the message template that you can use and I suggest, you modify it because you know the more you modify it and test, you know and look at your links and Clickbank and see what's getting more clicks because you could probably find a message that works better than me.I didn't test this message too much.  I know it will work somewhat but you might find something that works even better and even better than that is get into a conversation with people and help them along to make a purchase from your link.Again, you make 500 just from sitting at the computer playing a little video game called affiliate marketing.

 I want to see some testimonials boy! I want to see you post some success. When you guys get success, post in the comments. Again, I don't allow negativity. So don't try that.This can be done from any country, any age. There's a lot of networks you can do this. I can't wait to see you. Put this method to action. Make some money, follow my channel. Subscribe, notifications on, comments, likes, all of that stuff because I want us all to make money together. See you soon. Subscribe because you're going to see in the next videos I'm going to be going over more free traffic methods to help you make money online. This is so unsaturated people. This is so wide open.Just do it. Type in Tumblr money in the comments and let's get it. 

$200 per day in pinterest 2020

 Okay. So come right here, right here. So, on Pinterest, we're seeing... This is a site where it's it's kind of like alike a picture blog. Like you put up... You share bunches of pictures of like home.Usually people share like home-improvement stuff or info graphics.See, you share pretty pictures. And that's what it is. And women love it. It's like 90% women. Now, a few things you got to understand about what we're not talking about is we are not talking about e-commerce. Okay? I'm not going to be talking about that in this. We're not going to be talking about drop shipping or consulting. Or starting a SMM, a social media ad agency. None of this stuff.Because all of that stuff requires you to do work or fulfillment. You know, have a support phone number or taking returns. Have an address. Have a business license.There's a lot of stuff you can by all means. Use this method that I'm about to show you to promote your business using those methods. But we're going to start easy.And it's called affiliate marketing. And as always, if you've been doing affiliate marketing, just say, "I'm doing it" in the comments below. I want to know if ally'all are doing it.

That's all we talk about in this channel is how to make money with affiliate marketing. And just make money online. Now, to get started with affiliate marketing, you'll want to join some affiliate networks. I'm notgonna go too deep into it. The links are in the description, okay? We need to get links. Products to promote so we can earn a commission on. And the links are in the description. You can join a couple different affiliate networks. Maxweb,really good affiliate network. You can see that right here. We have the superaffiliate network. So, this is one of the highest paying ones. This is one of my highest recommended networks to join right now. Lots of successful students you're seeing all these people. Look at this. Average people having huge amounts of success here. So, I won't go too deep in that. Six Figure Mentors. There's click funnels. Click funnels benefit. It'll get you a dream car. So, if you... Let us buy you a dream car. If you get a hundred sales. With click funnels you get a car. You get$1,000 a month towards your lease. Digi store,very worldwide and Clickbank. Now, this works. Between these networks every country in the entire world. Including North Korea is covered. You could sell products from and you can do this any age. So I don't I don't think any of these networks actually check what age you are. So, you can do this wherever in the world, whatever age you are. It's easy. And you can do this on mobile devices too. This particular method which I'm going to go over. Where you can make up to$500 a day by using Pinterest. So, to get started, I'm going to use my own affiliate product as an example. As always. And what you'll need to do is you'll need to you be using Clickbank to use my product as the example. If you want to follow along, right along with me, I'm going to have a special bonus for you too. I'm going to have templates for you to copy and paste and modify if you want at the very end of the video. So, if you literally want totake this down to a copy-paste level and make $500 a day,follow along. Stick around to the end of the video because I'm going to shout outwhere you will be able to find the link to get my free resources that'll allowyou to literally copy paste this.

But if you want to promote other programs to doa little bit of thinking. But again, all of these, you know, you could promote anything to make money. So, once you've signed up for Clickbank and you've created an account, you'll want to go to the affiliate marketplace right there.And we're going to go get our link. When you're in Clickbank, you'll want to scroll down and you'll want to go to the e-business and emarketing section and find a product. You'll want to find my product there which is called the super affiliate system. Okay? Now, this is where I train my students. You can earn about$500 every time somebody buys from your link. $500. 487. And what you want to do is you want to click that promote button right there. You'll have your account nickname in there. And we're going to type in Pinterest. Okay? So, that we know these links. These clicks are coming from Pinterest. When we actually promote them. Now, don't worry about this gobbledygook base. This is for advanced people. But all you want to focus on is this default link right here. So, just leave this checked and you'll click generate hop link right there. You'll see the linkis generated and we can click this to copy it, okay? That copies it or we could just highlight this and click copy as well. Now, the next step is we go over to bitly dot com. And we're going to shorten our link and we're going to paste our link in here. And then click this button here. Boom!Then our link shows up here and we're going to click copy. Now, I just pasted bothlinks into a notepad. So, I have them for handy reference. Because we're going to use these links later on. So, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Now, the next step is we're going to go to Pinterest. And here we find all of the boards that people are engaging with. You see people you know, people like these boards or people make comments on some boards. Or all sorts of stuff. Okay? So, some of them have comments on them. Some of them are ads. So, see here's an ad for Fiverr.Here's an ad for something else. But we're not going to be doing any ads. In fact,this method to make up to $500 per day requires no ads. It requires no software.It requires no expenditure of money or even placing your credit card for some free trial of anything. All it requires you to do is follow along the steps I'm going to show you right here. Now, the first thing to understand about marketing is you have to target people, okay? So, you have to target people. There's a lot of people. This is 250 million people on Pinterest. And not everybody is interested in buying a training course --my training course about how to start an online business. Only a small section of those people actually are interested in starting an online business. And have the money too. So, we're going to actually... We're going to focus just on these people and get rid of everybody else, okay? Now, who are these people? Who are the people that are interested in purchasing a training about marketing, okay? For any product you're going to promote, you can sell weight-loss products, skin care products, survival products. You know, software products. You can sell a lot of different items on the internet. But you have to think what are they interest in. What people on Pinterest will,,, The topics or what sort of boards are they interested in there's a couple different topics, There's motivation. There's entrepreneurship. There's marketing. That kind of gives you a general overview. These are kind of the big topics. And maybe luxury, okay? Luxury items. But I'm going to kind of focus on these topics because they're sort of business and entrepreneurship related. So,motivation entrepreneurship and marketing. Let's go over to my computer.So, what I just typed here in Pinterest is motivation. And I'm looking for different bloggers around motivation.

Now, I already found some so I'm not going to go too long to do the work. But you see here's one right here. Be stronger than your excuse, right? Like you know these motivational quotes. This is great.I actually agree with that. You have to... If you have excuses, you are a whinylittle bee. Okay? So, if you are an excuse maker... And I see this all day. I see so many people in the comments saying, "Does this work in my country? Does this work at my age? Does this... Does this work? Does this work? Does this work? Anybody else made this work?" Etc. I get it you're looking for other people to pave the path before you because you're scared. And you don't want to make a mistake. Don't let excuses get in the way. Just go and do it, okay? If you're always asking, you're always going to end up behind. if you are waiting for people, there is a Gold Rush happening,okay? There is a Gold Rush happening. And the people that went to the gold mines,they are not going to come back to New York City. They're not going to come back to the East Coast. They're not coming back to Europe. They're not going to come back and tell you, "Oh, I'm making tons of money. And there's this mine where there's just tons of money. I found the place where there's all this money."They're not coming back. If you're waiting for people that are headed off to the gold rush that are doing the work to come back and verify for you. And, "Yeah, man.And it's okay. You can do it here. Let me show you how." It's not going to happen.You're fooling yourself. The people who are getting rich in the gold rush are out there working the rocks. They're working the vanes. They're working the streams.They're going to come coddle you and make you feelgood. "Oh, yeah. You can do." I'm sorry but you got me, okay? So, if you want to do it,you're just going to go do it. If it's not for you, don't be stepping your foot in the water and saying, you know... And saying, "Oh, well. I'm going to watch your video but I think I'm going to do it." You got to go all-in. If you are all in to make this happen. Get this $500 from promoting links onPinterest, type in "all-in" okay? This is real talk. So, type in all-in.Because I hate excuse makers. I hate whiners. And if you are one of those people, please. This is actually.... I'm begging you.

Unsubscribe from my channel please. Get off. Because I don't make money unless you make money. The ad money I make from YouTube is pathetic. $15,000 a month is what I make from YouTube. That's...For me, that's pathetic I need you making money. I need you to be successful. And if you aren't going to take action, if you're going to be a little whiny bee, get off my channel and unsubscribe. Don't dip your toe in the water.Don't be wanting. This is for wolves. So, here we are. Comments. Now, what we see is we get some people that are following this person. Following, tone it up or whatever it is. And we have commenters that are interested in motivation.They're interested in income opportunities. So, we're going to open up new tabs of all these people. Sarah Mae, Dukkha Wies, frostmarketing group. Open up in a new tab. Open up a new tab.One more. Anastasia, open up in a new tab. And what we're going to do is we're going to message these people our affiliate links. Now, this has 2 side effects. One is the person will get a message on Pinterest. And they'll see it next time they use Pinterest. 2, is they will get... They will see... Get an email from Pinterest saying they have a message. And it will give them your message with your affiliate link in it. Now, the message we are going to send them is simple because I already have it written up. In your case, you can modify it depending on what product you're promoting. It may be different. But if you're promoting my product, it's all done for you. I make it easy for my affiliates. Because we're the ones who make the most money. Okay. So now,here I am on Sara Mae Lowe's channel. Malaysia,Malaysia's number one tarot reader. Pretty cool. We're going to send her a message. Now, this is the message and I'm not going to explain it. But this is called copywriting. "Hey, I saw you were interested in motivational quotes and was wondering if you had any success yet. I've been following this guy's system."And see it says, "Link in brackets." And what you will do is you will post your link in the brackets and it seems to work pretty well he has a free training he reveals some pretty interesting things about 45 minutes in. Then youclick this button "sent". Okay. Now, we're on another person's Pinterest page.But you'll notice there's no message icon. So, some Pinterest profiles don'thave message icons. That's fine. If you have other questions, try to figure them out on your own. We'll see this one doesn't either but this one does.Anastasia numerous. We'll click message. Once again, we are going to go to our the Pinterest tab here. We're going to click our message template and I'm going to send...I'm going to paste the message in right here. Hey, I saw you were interested inand it says "interest". So, we're going to replace what's in the brackets and say,motivational quotes. Okay? Or we could say depending on what channel they were on.We could say entrepreneurship, right? So, we're targeting people that are interested in these kind of Pinterest boards or whatever. "And was wondering ifyou had any success working online yet? I've been following this guy's system link." And again, once again, we have to post in a link here. And we'll go here and we'll get that and we'll just replace the brackets with our link. And it seems to work pretty well. Has some pretty interesting things for him I'm going to send. And once again, we click send. And I can do this all day long. Okay? Another faster way you can use to find people that are on Pinterest. You can go to a page and you can look who's following them. Now, to find who's following a certain page... So this is website builders. So, I'm assuming they're anybody following them as interested in marketing. We'd go to followers and we click this button right here. Okay? And now we see all of these different followers, okay? We have a 696 followers. So we can click Heather Moon, Marisa, Silvia, Kena, Florence, Indoor Angels....i'm just going to add all these people all day. because the more people i start sending messages to, the more money I make. So, I'm going to hit these people up.I'm going to find... Okay, Heather Muniz allows me to message her. So, I'm going to send her a message. I'm going to copy.

Going to copy this message template right here.I'm going to copy that. I'm going to paste it in. Once again, I'm going to change around...Now, the interest is website building or I'm just gonna call marketing. And was wondering if you had any success. And then I'm gonna post in my link once again. And since I'm just going to be posting the same thing over and over, I'm just going to copy this whole message and send it out a lot. So, let's do this. Sent.Okay? Boom! Going to go again. Can't message person. Next. Okay? Can't message this person. Next. But I can message Sylvia. So, I'm going to message Sylvia. And I go there posting my message, sent. Okay? How freaking easy is that, okay?How ridiculously simple. So, it's so easy. And once you build up a flow, you can just send links out there so fast. You getting in front of people. You having them get messages. They're probably getting an app notification on their phone if they have Pinterest on their phone. They're getting an email. And when they log an interest, they're getting a message from you that's showing up. So,all of these ways you are reaching out to people. People are going to click on your links. And hopefully people are going to buy. Now, there's a few subtle things about the actual copywriting that I'm doing. I don't just want people clicking on my link. I want people watching the presentation. Because the presentation is going to sell them on buying the product, right? You know, we want people to go click the link. We want them to move to point B which is watching the presentation. And we want them to move to point C which is actually buying the product. Now, you can't get them to buy a product. That's not your job. That's my job. But if you get them to click the link and you get them to watch the presentation at least an hour of it, then they will be interested in buying theproduct and you will be making some money. So, that... The message text, I'm trying to get them to not just click the link but to also watch the presentation.Because they watch the presentation, you let me do the sales I will close them and make both of us money. Isn't that pretty cool?And if you're watching this, guys, give me a little bit of love. Give me a subscribe or notification or a like. For the number one money channel on YouTube. Type in "Number one money channel on YouTube" because that's what we'redoing every day. Money-making methods to help you out. So now, if you're wondering where the resource link is, okay? Where can you get these templates, you can goin the description. There is a link that says resource. And I'm just going to show it to you --JohnCrestani.com\ resources. And you will be able to get these message templates. What you will do is when you were on this page. Clickpinterest at the top and then you will go down here and you have examples ofpinterest boards that you can find people on. Find followers of to message.And then you have the message template that you can edit and send out to people.Make some money. Okay. So now, when you are actually in clickbank, what you will see is you will be able to go to the tracking area. And when you log in, youwill see the sales appear here.

You will get the money sent to you every 2 weeks by check or wire. Check goes to an address. Wire goes to a bank account and you'll see the Commission's show up right there and you will be able to actually check out. In the reporting tab, you'll be able to see your actualtracking IDs if people have been clicking on your link. Now, you can find out more information on Clickbankm, if you're using Clickbank. You just search order for your tracking ID or hops, okay? So, you'd be able to look there and see all of your hops. That's how you do it. So, thanks for watching. Make sure to checkout some of my other videos. Free traffic methods. I'm showing you how to makemoney. Free traffic methods on Google, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Eventbrite; all these things. Showing you ways to make money for free. So put this in a work,okay? Because again, this just wastes your time and my time if you don't do anything. So, just do the work. You know, seriously. So, talk to you soon and make sure you subscribe. Hit the notification bell so you can be on the next video as soon as it launches and start using these methods. People aren't talking about this and it's completely unsaturated on what's going on right now. So, I actually suggest you... The faster you put this into action and start putting this stuff out there, the better of chances you will have in making money. So, just get on this immediately. Talk to you soon. Yeah. 

How to make $20000 per month

 I'm John Crestani I'm an affiliate marketer and for the last four years, I've been running a seven-figure business but I got my start with blogging. Now, in this video I'm gonna show you how I was consistently making $20,000 commissions every single month from my little blog and I'm gonna walk you through how you can as well. Let's get it. So blogging is one of the simplest ways to earn an income online and get in front of people. Google is serving you up on a golden platter specific people that are googling specific search terms in their engine and you can get in front of them simply by writing a blog post. There's two ways to go about making money online with blogs, obviously there's a lot of business models you could be selling consulting ecommerce affiliate marketing I teach affiliate marketing that's what I do . But, I'm gonna focus just on getting traffic to your blog, okay? Now, the first approach is you could go after broad terms such as best baby diapers orreally untargeted terms where people are looking for a selection of items and this approach I found is very hard if you're just starting out. There are a lot of websites out there who have a lot of authority there's baby lists there's Lucy's list there's all these mom websites that have been around for 10years or more and they they have these big keywords really nailed down. The way to make money in the way I got started making money online with blogging was in 2012 and that was using very targeted terms, buyers words. So before I jump on my computer and show you the examples of a website that I used and the terms I was going after, I need to first explain intent to you the concept of keyword intent. So you can think of it like a funnel, okay? And up here you have lots of people searching for terms but they're not as interested in buying. Lots of people that are searching for you know that are searching millions of times a month or a year for these search terms and down here you have very few people who are searching for little very on targeted terms. But up here you have very little money because the people don't really they aren't really ready to buy whatever product or service you're offering yet, whereas down here you have big money. Okay? Now, if you're getting started out in internet marketing if you're starting an internet business and you want to make money you want to make passive profits, you're not gonna be able to compete up here again the broad area is not for you which you want to go for is the less you want to be the sniper and get the big money because there's big money in little traffic and I'm gonna show you an example of how. So, let's start out with a very innocuousexample. So people searching for a term such as TVs, Okay? TVs would be a very common term people who are searching to buy a TV the first thing you might Google is TVs. That same person though the people who are really getting specific might start googling a more specific term such as 72 inch TV this person has a little better idea of what they want and getting in front of that person with a selection of 72 inch TVs would be much more targeted way to goabout making money as either an affiliate or an e-commerce person. How can we get more targeted than 72 inch TV? Well let's go a little bit deeper. Samsung 72 inch TV. Now, we're getting a little bit more specific the person not only knows what size of TV they want but they know the actual brand name. Now,we're starting to get somewhere and this is where we start seeing we can start seeing some money we can show people ads based on a Samsung 72 inch TV there aren't too many Samsung 72 inch TVs so we're hitting less people but we're hitting people who are much more assured of what they want now how can you get more specific than this? Now, getting more specific than a keyword such as Samsung 72 inch TV might seem a little difficult at first but that's where the money is. Son zoo said the obstacle is the way I'm gonna show you how in just a second here. Now, I'm gonna jump a little bit ahead and go straight to the big money terms I hope you don't mind if that's alright with you but the big money term would be this, samsung six to zero one two zero six. You might be thinking John are you totally crazy have you completely lost your mind? Who would search for Samsung six two zero one two zero six, that just seems like a bunch of numbers. What this term is right here you may think nobody's actually searching for this long string of numbers. But what this search term actually is, is this is a skew number this is the actual model number of this particular samsung TV. The only people that are searching for this specific term are people who have actually gone into a Best Buy or a Walmart looked at the price of the TV and are googling it online to find a cheaper price because they believe they can get a cheaperprice online. These are buyers and finding these sorts of keyword terms in your niche it takes research it takes almost insider knowledge but these are the terms that if you can snipe them you can write a blog article about them and target these specific terms then you're in the money. You're in the big money . Now, I'm on my computer and am i googling one of these very specific terms for a samsung 72 inch TV and if you see on my screen right here the search term I searched for is Samsung it's even longer it's Samsung UN seven five whatever eight to five and this was this is the actual model number of a Samsung I guess they only have 75 inch TVs but that's what I'm using right here. And what you'll see is that this term actually gets 344 impressions per month. That's a lot of people searching for such a highly specific term and again 75 inch TVs are the highest end TVs you can get. The point I'm trying to demonstrate is that there is massive volume there's more volume than you would think in these unbelievably targeted keywords and if you figure them out you can put yourself in front of big buyers who will spend lots of money whether it's on your own products or in a product that you're marketing for someone else. Let me show you an example from my own actual marketing campaigns and explain to you the process I went through to make$20,000 a month consistently from just blogging online and then I'll show you one of the websites an example of a website that's similar to mine that I used to earn this sort of money so when So when I started out affiliate marketing I did it on I didn't even know I was doing affiliate marketing I was actually working for a a client who was paying me a base amount of money to manage his adsbut he gave me a bonus because he wanted to incentivize me to utilize the full potential of my skills and he said John I will pay $10,000 a month base or 3percent of of the revenue we collect in my company for you to do my ads he saysI want to get a lot of leads and I want to get a lot of money he says I want you to make as much money for my company as possible that's why I'm leaving your income uncapped it was the opportunity of lifetime and the client was willingto pay for all of the ads himself coming across that was a drop of gold it was adrop of luck now the company I was I was marketing for was an investment company so what I could have done to market this company I could have tried to blog around the key word investments now this keyword is way too broad and I would never get my blog ranked for it nor would I necessarily make any money again the way this works is yes a lot of people are searching for investment or investments but there's not that much money in it relatively speaking overall the investment market is massive there's so much money in it even even in an untargeted term there's just the amount of money an investment world is unbelievable but that being said that even bigger money is down here in the more targeted targeted terms so the next thing I did was I got specific what type of investments was the company I was working for selling they were selling gold investments. So I could have ranked myself for the term gold investments. Again,slightly more targeted less people are searching for this term it's a bit longer it's much more specific gold investments a very specific type of investor who's looking to invest in gold. Isn't that targeted enough? isn't that specific eno ugh? Well, we're gonna go more deeper. Now, a more specific term than this would be actually going deeper into how you could do this. These are all terms that get search volume. This is the next more specific term 401k gold rollover. That's gotta work right? That's gotta work how can you get more specific than that, what even is a 401 K gold roller? Over I had no idea when I was marketing this company what the heck of 401 K was or what the heck or rollover was I was 24 at the time, but what I learned was that 401K's are retirement accounts right I'm 24. How the heck am I supposed to know that term and rollovers are a specific way that you move money from a retirement accountinto another asset class such as gold. Now, this is a person looking for such a specific term. They they have a 401 K they're looking to move it into goldthrough a rollover how can you get more specific to buyers than that? Let's go deeper Rosland capital that's got to be the term. I don't even know what that is.Rosland capital is a competitor gold company to the one that I was marketing.The only people that would be searching for Rosland capital are people that are not only interested in a 401 K gold rollover but they'd seen an ad forRosland capital and they may be interested in working with the company. Therefore, this is somebody who's already interested in doing a 401k rollover. They believe they have a company they want to work with they're just looking for a little more information. Surely this has to be the term but I went one level deeper and this was where the big money was and this is how I was created to create an income stream for myself that lasted for years . This was the money term Rosland capital review, somebody who was searching for a review of Rosland capital was interested in being a customer of the company but not necessarily totally convinced thatRosland capital was the right company to conduct their gold 401k rollover. Now that left the door wide open for somebody like me to recommend the company that I was an affiliate for simply by saying that Rosland capitalit's a company but it's not necessarily the best company out there. That seed of doubt that somebody already had in their mind by searching for this word review that little seed of doubt that the prospect for this company had, I was ableto use to do well maybe I was slightly biased but rating ratings and reviews of this company and the other gold companies in the industry, and end up recommending the company I worked for which paid me to get me more customers for them and which I believe is the best gold company around. Now I created a consistent income stream by putting upreviews of other gold companies in this space and I'm going to show you an example of one of an example of the type of blog that I put up to make this sortof money. Now I don't work in this space anymore but this is an example toillustrate to you what is possible and how you can go about things. So here I am in on a review site it's called gold IRA handbook and I put up site something similar to this. This was on a Wordpress site I wasI was hosting it through a Bluehost I believe and only pain you know it only costs a few bucks per month to host a website. It's very cheap to host a website doesn't cost a lot of money. Now, what I did was I simply wrote a review and I ranked for the term Rosland capital review. Now, if you go down here you'll see that it's you know I would do something similar to this.What does Rosland Capital offer. Who is Rosland capital? Things I like about Rosland capital, things I don't like about Rosland capital and this is where you start to capitalize on the the things that make it an imperfect company.Okay, this is where your get a chance to expand on that seed of doubt within that customers mind to recommend whatever you are an affiliate for. Now, again my intention for this was to get more customers for the company I'm working for to afford myself a living. Some of you may not be okay with this sort of marketing but it is perfectly legal it is perfectly sound by all laws and it works you may be unsure about this marketing because you can see its effectiveness but I hope nobody here doubts the effectiveness of the marketing I'm doing in creating customers and in creating massive amounts of wealth for marketers. Now, here we go and you know I put the reviews I put their ratings and all that stuff. Okay? Ripoff reports the more information you compile the more you're helping the world be more transparent actually, so by compiling information with reviews like this you are not only helping the customer but you're helping yourself. Now, I did the same thing that this affiliate does which I recommended a gold company at the end and the company I was working with was regal assets right there and by doing this it may seem like a crazy amount of work it may seem like it's a lot of work to go to to make money but this is just a blog post this is this is only about 250 or maybe 500words to write which takes about 30 minutes to write and you said it you forget it and you can rank for it. And if you go after targeted keywords like this,you'll have a much easier time ranking than if you were going after terms such as gold investment. And that's how I made money by putting my affiliate link down here and getting people who went through my affiliate link invested millions uponmillions upon millions of dollars every year with the company I was recommending and it made me a lot of money. Now, let me know in the comments if this was helpful .If this was on fire if you learned something just type in "boom" in the comments or type it "on fire" in the comments if you learn something new from these examples and from seeing examples on my computer of actual affiliate marketing websites of actual affiliate marketing tactics that can make you massive amounts of money. If you aren't subscribed to my channel yet make sure you click that subscribe button wherever it is and hit those notification bells because I do crazy live streams sometimes I do giveaways I have a marketing course six week marketing course on affiliate marketing where sometimes I'll give that away on live streams, but I'd love to see your interaction on things and I'd love to see if this was really helpful I'll domore of this. Thanks for tuning in and here's to your prosperity and successsee you soon. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Make Money From Your Car 2020

 Hi guys welcome back to another money Monday video where we talk all about making your wallet right on Monday if you're new to my channel hello my name is Kat Theo and today I have a plant with me to make it look a little bit less like I'm in a tub because I would not put a plant in my tub that would be weird so today we're gonna talk about nine ways you can make your car make you some money today there are two main things you probably should understand if you're gonna make a lot of money in life one of those things is a liability and an asseta liability is something that you buy that takes money away from your wallet and an asset is something you can buy that makes you money for most people their car is a liability but today we're gonna make your car into an asset it's like something falling from my building I don't know what that was so if you are an OG to my channel and you've been following me for a little bit I've already talked about some of these ways so we're just gonna get through the first few things out of our talked about in other videos quickly and then we're going to talk about the new things in detail later so let's get into it so the first way you can turn your car into a money-making machine is by driving kids around so in my last video I talked about Zum but there are tons of children's transportation services all over the United States that you can check out so Zum Kango and hop skip drive are all located in the California area kid car is in New York bubblDallas is in the Dallas area go kart is in North Carolina area and kids cab is in Chicago if you are not located in any of these places you can just type in kids transportation services into Google with your city like Omaha or Seattle and you will see everything that comes up so with all of these kids transportation services you will be fingerprinted have a background check and it is important that you have a clean driving record okay my second way your car can make you money is by roadie like I mentioned in my other video roadie is an app that matches up people that need to get something shipped with people that are already going in that direction so if you're already going in that direction you can pick up this tangible item and you can go wherever they need you to go the amount does vary from shipment to shipment but the pay will be between $8to $50 per shipment my third way you can make money with your car is with shiptshipt is essentially delivering groceries to customers you can make upto $25 an hour with shipt plus tips another similar website to shift is Burpy wit Burpy they pay you by direct deposit and you can actually choose when you are going to get paid so if you decide you want to wait until you have a thousand dollars in the app you can do that the fourth way is with Amazon flex like we talked about before Amazon flex pays about 18 to 25 dollars an hour delivering Amazon packages you do need commercial insurance, aas well as a clean driving record and a background check but deliveries are available seven days a week so it's very likely you will have a lot of options of deliveries the fifth way we talked about in my other video is with Turo renting out your car when you're not using it so if you are using your car during the week to get to work or to study but on the weekends maybe you could use your mom's car or your friend's car or maybe your friends can just pick you up then this could be a really good opportunity for you to make some money while you're not using your car another app slash website similar to Turo is get around get around website says that the average renter makes about six thousand dollars a year on get around and on Turo it's about six thousand five hundred dollarsa year or renting out your car for average of fifteen days okay now that's out the way let's talk about the new ways you can make some money out of your car the six way is through lime juicing lime juicing is essentially charging limes which are scooters around your city that are dead or have a low battery so what you will do is you will use the app to find where are the dead limescooters and you will take them to your house and you will charge them in your home these scooters take about five to seven hours to charge completely and you'll be paid five to nine dollars per scooter so if you can take like four toeight scooters at a time you can be making you know pretty good money so if you combine lime juicing with some of the other side hustles on this list you can be making an extra thirty forty dollars an hour but we will get into that a little bit later I will link down in the description box a post that I found on reddit of a real life lime juicer and he talks about all his pros and cons of juicing my seventh way is Carvetise or wrapify these are two companies that I have heard about in the past which is essentially just wrapping your car with advertisement the walking billboard I never mention edit before because I didn't think you could make that much money until one of my subscribers Jerry made a comment saying that his daughter does this and makes seven hundred and fifty dollars a month with just having this out of her car which I'm like that's crazy because if you're already doing uber or lyft and you just have this on your car that's an extra $750 a month like that is not bad so to qualify with them you do need to have a clean driving record and you have to drive at least thirty miles a day my next way is go share so if you have a truck then you probably understand the struggle of people always asking you to borrow your truck when they need to move their stuff out their house or if theyneed to move an Ikea couch into their home well now you can get paid to use your truck to rent it out to people and also to help people move and things like that another similar website like this to rent out your truck to other people is called buddy Turk my ninth site you can use is called I carpool I'm like uber you can add trips that you already commonly take on your morning commute or your evening commute also you don't have to go searching for people and pick them up they all come to you so if you live in the suburbs for example and you commute to the city every single day you can put your trip that okay meeting point is at Walmart at 7 o'clock and I'm gonna drop you off at the Apple store at 7:30 or 8 o clock however long it takes you and everyone has to meet there you get in the car and go so you're actually making money from the empty seats in your car and since you don't have to go out of your way to give rides you're actually making money on routes you already take every single day ICarpooldoesn't say how much they pay per ride but I imagine that it's something that you decide and take a commission okay so those are my nine ways you can make your car make you money but like I was saying if you combine multiple of these side hustles together you can be making thousands of dollars a month just by having a car for example if you combine Turo limejuicing carvetise and shipt every month as well as if you already are doing uber or lyft you can be making a ton of money and actually I'm really considering it it's not that bad of idea if I were to buy a new car and I have to pay about $300 a month on that the payment and I'm making let's say $4,000a month I am essentially getting a free car okay thanks so much for watching this video if you have any other ways that you make money by using your car please let us know because your comments are really helping us in helping the community know how we can you know better our pocket sand that's always really appreciated so I will see you in the next video I loveyou guys bye 

10 Website to make Money Online

 Did you know you can actually make money online?yeah that’s right, and all you need is a computer or phone with internet access. So in this video, I’m going to show you 10 websites where you can actual start making some side cash or if you are really serious,some good Money! isn’t that amazing! On some of these websites you can actually make as much as a 100 dollars a day or even more, and the best part is, you don’t have to quit your 9 - 5 job, you can make this money, working in your free time. On the internet, there are two distinct ways of making money.

The first way is active income. With active income, its like your normal 9 -5 job. You only get paid for the work you do. If you do not work, you don’t make money,as simple as that. The second way is through passive income. This is my favorite method because, with active income, all you do is put in the work once, and the money in theory should keep rolling in, without you having to do any more work other then maybe promoting what you have made,or in some cases what other people have made. So let’s get to the article.

1. upworks.com Upworks is a website for freelancers.   With upworks you are making acvtive income. businesses and individuals post services on upworks that they would like to outsource such asarticle writing, video editing, app development, coding, there tons of jobs andservices being outsourced on upworks… The beauty of all this is its low barrier of entry, you just have to be good at something. If there is something that you are good at maybe graphic design or coding or just about any skill, head over to upworks and start making some Money. Here's a tip if you are considering working on upworks, have a robust profile that looks good. This will drastically increase your likelihoodof ever receiving job offers, from potential clients. Displaying your best work or highlighting specific experience can and will help you stand out.

2. YouTube.Not a lot of people know this but, you can actually make money with YouTube. If you are considering getting into YouTubeto make money, make sure you understand one thing clearly. Thanks to the new rules, if you are planning on starting a brand new channel from scratch, you first have to reach the YouTube minimum threshold to get monetized. Which is you will need 4000 watch hours, and 1000 subscribers in the last 12 months. Once you have reached that, you can get monetized,how much can you make on YouTube? Honestly as much as you want! As long as you keep uploading good content that people are willing to watch your golden, and the longer the video the more money you can expect to make… you can make anywhere from 1$ to thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The more views you are getting, the more money you can expect to make, and also you get more subscribers! With YouTube, what you are earning is passive income, make a few videos and they should keep making you money consistently. You can also make money with YouTube throughpaid sponsorships, but with paid sponsorships you will need a large audience, usually a minimum of 10k subs to do that. You can also make money through affiliates,but we will get to that later…

3. Amazon.Although Jeff Bazos, did start off the company selling books, amazon now sells almost anything you can think of. It’s not just a site for buying your favorite toys though, you can actually make money with amazon. And here’s three ways you how… The first way is Amazon Mturk – Mtruk iskind of like upworks, it’s a place where businesses outsource work that is too difficult for a computer program to do. Such as audio editing and transcribing, translating audio and video from different languages, testing webpages, writing reviews, and a whole lot of other services. You can make as much as $20, $30 an hour,by working on a few different tasks. This is a legit may of making money, and they do pay. This is active income though. The second way is Amazon kindle publishing.Turn your ideas into an eBook and make money today. Every time you buy an ebook from amazon, amazon and the publisher make money, and you can too. The thing with kindle publishing is… you first need a book to sell. You can either write this book yourself oryou can hire someone to write it for you. You don't have to be an established author,or find a publishing company to do this. You can actually do this from the comfort of your home and start earning some passive income. Sounds awesome right? and the best part is,it’s absolutely free, so sign up and start making some money. Amazon takes care of the money handling shenanigans…and you can sit back relax on your couch, while making some good old… passive income. If you are really interested in kindle publishing,I highly recommend you do more research on this topic. You can find free videos and tutorials right hereon YouTube that will teach you the basics. If you want expert advice, you might have to first pay for a course. I will link a really good one in the description,if you are interested. Some people make over $100,000 publishing Kindle e-books on Amazon. It’s definitely a market to look into. The third way is Amazon associates program. This is a very popular and easy way of earning passive income. All you do is sign up to the amazon associates program which is free, than you can pick from thousands of stuff amazon sells on their website and start promoting. Amazon will give you a special link, and every time someone buys through your link, amazon will give you a commission anywhere from 5– 10% of the sale. Amazon will pay you 60 days after a purchase and you can chose to be paid either through amazon gift cards, wire transfer to a bank account – although this is currently only available in the US but if you live outside America you can be paid via cheques, or you can have the money transferred to your amazonaccount and start buying stuff with it.

4. clickbank.Clickbank is a marketplace for product creators and affiliates to make money online buy sellingtheir courses or services to the world. Clickbank only sells digital products, butthe beauty about clickbank is that the, commission payout is so much higher than that of Amazon. Some affiliates pay you as much as 75%, forselling their services, while others pays as low as 5%, so keep that in mind. But with that said, you can make some reallygood money on clickbank, hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Simply head over to clickbank, pick somethingto sale and start making money.

5. flippa.comflippa is the number one marketplace for buying and selling online businesses. It attracts a huge audience, and it offers great tools to increase visibility, it’s an auction site really much like eBay, for those selling and buying digital assets, such as websites, apps, domains, shopify stores and amazon FBA accounts. If you are good at making apps or even websites…you can actually sell it online and make some money. Or better yet, if you have some money lying around and you are interested in buying either websites, apps, or ecommerce stores… that are already making money, you can do so with flippa. What happens is, you place a bid, much like eBay and if your bid is the highest, then congratulations because you just bought yourself an online business. You can also make money by selling onlinebusinesses. So that’s flippa for you.

6. Shutter stock.Basically shutter stock is a platform where you can buy or sell digital media. Such as pictures, music and video clips. Mainly created by freelancers and third parties,so if you might be particularly good at photography taking amazing pictures and videos. Or really good at making sick beats, you canmonetize your talent on shutter stock. The way you make money with shutter stock is every time some purchases one of your pictures, you get paid a commission, usually a couplecents to a few dollars, if you are lucky. The trick to making a lot of money with shutterstock is to consistently keep uploading high quality images.

 7. Rover.Do you like pets? Dog in particular? If so, then you should probably check out rover. Rover is a dog sitting service, but this is currently only available in the US and Canada. So if you live in any of those two countries then you can register as a dog sitter, and get paid for babysitting dogs. You can make anywhere between 80 - $100 a night, just by watching someone’s dog! You can literally make hundreds of dollars a week by just babysitting someone’s pet. Now how about that for a deal?!

8. Takelessons.comTake lessons is a website where you can teach any skill. Everyone has a skill, that they can teach,whether that might be, teaching someone a language, how to cook, how to play a musical instrument, how to solve complex math equations… any so much more. Anything that you think someone else might not know, you can teach people on take lessons, and start making money.

 9. Fiverr.You have probably heard of fivver mentioned a lot of times, because it’s a simple and easy site to start making money. But if you haven’t, basically it’s a freelance website where you can literally outsource anything and I mean anything… as long asits legal, for as little as $5 There are so many different ways to make money on fiverr, just to name a few. You can do animations, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Web & Mobile Design, Social Media Design, Photoshop Editing, Architecture & Floor Planning, 3D Models & Product Design, T-Shirts & Merchandising, SEO and so much more. If there is anything that can be outsourced,you can most likely find it on fiver. Head over and check out fiverr guys, it a legit of making money.

10. Drop shipping.With drop shipping, what you are basically doing is selling someone else stuff for a small or large profit without having to deal with the shipping. So basically you are acting like a broker or a middle man. You can do this by opening up a shopify storeand then linking it up with oberlo. Oberlo is basically an app that integrates with shopify, and it is what a lot of people use to source for stuff that they would like to sell on their stores. The basic principle of drop shipping is, you create a store or any channel where people can buy stuff from you. Then once they buy something from you, you pay the manufacturer, usually for a lot less then what you got it for, and then have the manufacturer ship it to the customer. All without you ever seeing or touching the product. The best part of drop shipping is that you set your own price of the product you want to sell, then take the profits and pay the manufacturer the rest. So yeah that’s drop shipping in a nutshell. If you are interested in drop shipping, there are a ton of tutorial here on YouTube, that will show you the step by step guide of creating your store, finding products, advertising, finding influencers, and finally shipping and getting paid. It’s a bit complicated to start, especially in the beginning, but you can make a ton of money… with drop shipping. With that said, thank you for watching guys,please subscribe, enable notification and I will see you on the next one.