Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Make $380 coloring images

 They say a picture's worth a thousand words but what if we can double it and make it worth two thousand today I'm gonna show you how you can start making between 100 or 300 dollars per day simply colouring photos online this is gonna be one of the easiest ways you can make money online and it's gonna be a hundred percent free you're not gonna need any investment or any special equipment all you need is connection tothe internet and a computer it's also gonna be worldwide so no matter where you're watching this article from you're gonna be able to use this simple step-by-step strategy to start making money online hey what's up people its John here and today I'm gonna show you how you can make money simply coloring photos online it's gonna be one of the easiest ways you can start making money and literally anyone can get started with this before I get too into it guysif this is your first time watching one of my articles my name is John and I post up daily articles showing you how to make money online so if you want to learn how you can make more money using your computer or using your smartphone or if you just want to make money from home hit that subscribe button right now so you can get a notification every time I post a new article literally check this out every single day I post up a new article showing you how you can make money using your computer or using your smartphone with free apps so hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any of my future articles so let's goahead and jump straight into this one right now so you're gonna go over to this website right here and don't worry I'm gonna show you exactly how to start using there how to sign up and how to get everything going so you can start making money stick with me to the end of this article so you don't miss out on any of the details so you're gonna go to this website right here and this websites automatically gonna start coloring photos for you check it out here's a quick example of one so all you do is literally slide this bar around and it completely colors the photo for you as you can see right here this photo was of a Chinese schoolgirl in signal poor between 1918 90 and 1923 and all you simply have to do to start coloring isslide this bar around and voila are completely done for you now I'm gonnashow you how you can start making money with it online absolutely free alrightguys so the first thing you want to do is go over to google and you're gonnasearch for this web right here this is the website whereyou're gonna start working from and that's gonna start hiring you to startcoloring photos it's called people per hour people per hour calm it's gonna bethe first link that pops up after the add of course right here people per hourcalm go ahead and click on this website and so what this website is right here is an online freelance website so you can come on here post up jobs that you can do online and people daily people and everyday people can come on and hire you to do simple jobs online for example you can create a video for someone you can write an article for someone all you have to do is come on here create your own profile and someone can come on here find your profile and hire you to do the job so let's go over what we're learning today so today we're gonna learn how you can make money simply coloring photos so what someone can do is come two people per hour type in black and white photo color and then click right here where it says find your expert and that's where you're gonna come up so check it out a ton of profiles come up where you can hire someone to colorize the photo for you for example this one right here check it out are they're simply doing is coloring an old photo for someone and simply getting paid just for that if I scroll down here here's another quick example right here guys literally one of the easiest ways you can start making money hundreds of people out there have old photos just like this that they still care about that they still cherish and they're wouldn't a paid money just to have them restore that's where you're gonna come in because what's gonna happen is they can go ahead and click on a profile just like this one right here and they can go ahead and hire this person right here to colorize the photo for them and that's where you're gonna come in you're gonna create your own profile just like this person has right here a limb so to go ahead and get started just go back to people per our homepage and what you're gonna do next is click right here where it says freelancer after that make sure you highlight this box right here where it says I want to work as a freelancer so you can start getting hired and start completing some of these simple jobs after that go ahead and sign up simply using your Facebook email or your regular email address cuz then what you're gonna want to do next is start building up your profile just like Eileen did in his profile right here so check it out he has plenty of examples that he's done already so people can come on here and see that you actually know how to do the work so you want to go ahead and upload some samples to I didn't find free samples free photos that you can start colorizing all you have to do is come over to this website right here called pixels calm textures calm you can download free photos for example black-and-white photo so let me go ahead and pull one up real quick just type in black and white in the search and after that a ton of free black and white photos are gonna pop up that you can download for free and upload to your own profile so people can actually see you know how to do the job go ahead and download a few of these images right here for example the best ones are people in ajiz of actual people for example this one right here Marilyn Monroe or for example this one right here or a couple pictures of cities big cities just like this one or photos just like this one right here so people can see that you can actually restore old images all you have to do is go ahead and click on the picture after that click on free download right here and the picture automatically downloads foryou so here those guys are just downloaded right here I can go ahead and pull it up right now so you're gonna want to download a few of these photos so you can upload to your profile I actually have proof another quickwebsite you can use the star selling your to start selling your services just like people per hour is this website right here you might have heard it a bit already it's called again another freelance website where you can come in create your own profile just like these people have right here andstart selling your services check it out if I go ahead and type in black andwhite I can hire somebody to start colorizing these photos now inside a fiber they usually charge about 5 bucks so it's a quick way to make an extra 5bucks and people per hour you're gonna be making a little bit more money forexample aleem is charging $15 for your services I would honestly recommend you to sign up to both of these websites right here that way you can go ahead and double your money and once you have a couple ofjobs all together guys you can easily start making between 50 to 100 dollarsper day using the simple step-by-step strategy so what you're gonna want to dois go over to this website right here so go over to Google first then you'regonna want to search for this website right here called color eyes SGcolorized SG it's gonna be the first website that pops up go ahead and clickon that one and this is the website that I just went over in the beginning ofthis video now hey just because you stuck with me so far through this videoI'll actually want to give you a quick bonus so at the end of this video I'mgonna give you a quick that's gonna help you top or even tripleyour money online as long as you simply have between one or two hours of sparetime I'm gonna show you how you can use that time to start making some seriousmoney from your computer so make sure you stick with me to the end of thisvideo so after that once you get to this website right here simply go down to thebottom right here click right here where it says I'm not a robot and then goahead and select one of the images that you downloaded from pic SOCOM so let'sgo ahead and choose one right now so select a photo here's one right here andcheck this one out this is a real nice one right here so check this for a whileit takes a few minutes to go ahead and process and check this out guys simplyby sliding this bar across it completely colorized the photo and just check thatout right there look how amazing that looks after we've already added thecolor to it amazing photos from back in the day that you can colorize with asimple click and start making money with it guys so again the name of thiswebsite right here is called colorized SG you don't have to create a profile orsign up or any within this website is completely free all you simply have todo is click right here where it says I'm not a robot and then go ahead and uploadany photo that's in black and white that your client sends to you and a quick tipto actually making more money as make sure you completely fill out yourprofile so if I come over here to check this outthis person already did a hundred and thirty-four jobs this person's alreadydone thirty nine jobs over here and what you want to do was completely decorateyour profile so people can see that you're actually legit so look at how many different examples that this person has on here ton of different examplesshowing exactly what they're gonna be doing that's exactly what you want to docustomize your profile add in all the details right here on your About sectionso people are willing to trust you and start working with you guys so again this is one of the simplest ways you can start making money online now the problem with it is this yeah it might take some time for you to start gettingsales it might take some time for you to build up your profile and start havingthese daily jobs if you want to spend your time more efficiently at the moment right now at least if you want to do the best thing possible to start making a full time income online check out the free training I put together for you it's gonna be the first link in my description it's my number one recommended online come stream you're gonna see exactly what I'm doing myself to build a full-time income using my computer again the first link in my description go ahead and check that out right now guys and that's basically it for this article don't forget if you want more great articles showing you how to start making some extra money online showing you undercover websites just like this one right here colorize sg-- hit that subscribe button right now so you get a notification every time I post a new article and you can be one of the first to use my money-making strategies subscribe down below hit that like button and I'll see you on the next article.

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