Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Earn $1.50 per phone screenshot

 Hey, what is up you guys this is DMK and today's article I'll just show you a brand new methods where you can earn one dollar and fifty cents for every 60 seconds by you. Just taking phone screenshot Okay And let's do a quick map right here One minutes you earn one dollar and fifty cents If you do it for ten minutes You can earn up to fifteen dollars And if you do it for one hour every sixty minutes You can earn up to ninety dollars by just using these methods which I'll show you Step-by-step exactly how to do it and imagine right every hour you can earn ninety dollars. How would you spend those money?

Okay How could that change your life? So I want you to pay really close attention to this entire tutorial and don't miss out on any Important steps and tips so that you can secure your 90 dollars per hour Strategy in this video and make sure that you get all the details and the step-by-step live Demonstration which I'll show you later part in this video If you do wrong on any single steps, you will not get those money right They will not pay you if you make those kind of mistakes and also on the site note this method is really beginner friendly It's hundred percent free and they are covering many different countries Okay, but if you are new to my channel be sure to subscribe to my channel click on a subscribe button right now and also hitting on the Notification bell so that you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing daily new videos to show you different ways to make money online and for some of you guys if you want to learn my number one recommendation To make a full time passive income online What I think is the best right now after reviewing hundreds and hundreds of different websites Click on the first link down below and I'll share with you all the details on the inside So let us go on to today's website, which is for passion calm

Okay on this website, you can start to earn a lot of money by sharing your opinions and taking some screenshot I'll show you exactly how to do this. And also Jason a mareana if you are watching congratulations, right because those two of them they are actually making hundreds and hundreds of dollars already on this website because I do talk about These methods in one of my videos I think a few months ago, but right now I'll show you. What is the strategies? Okay What are the strategies how are they making 100 of dollars by using these strategies? So make sure you pay close attention and watch the entire video because I know that this method is 100% working Okay her percent working before he diving any further we wanna make sure that this company is really legit right is something real but mean so that they have been working with companies of all different size and big companies like you Know some of the brands that you might know of Samsung coca-cola and larell, right. There are some real company. I'll show you right if you know joint them You can become a tester. Okay go over to his home page and click on become a tester on a top right corner Click on this button and you will land on these page.

Ok become a tester You can work online working from home badges using your smartphone and share your opinions and taking a few screenshot Which I'll show you the step by step live demonstration on how to do that, right Even if you are brand new you can get started starting today if you watch this video until the end So the reason why they wanna pay you is because those big companies that we talked about Samsung coca-cola those big brands they want your opinion, right? They want your opinion your experience when you are using their website So if you do this you write some short reviews we shall show you it takes you about 5 to 10 minutes to write those Very short reviews and you take a screenshot of the website and they'll pay you in vouchers and also PayPal every single month Right, and they've been paying out to over a hundred thousand people working from home from many different countries by just doing this job Right here and let me show you how does it work? And how does it work? So first off when you go onto the back office, you see many different websites and application You can use a smartphone or your tablet to do this and after that you can share some feedback You can do it on the positive feedback or even on the negative feedback Right and they'll use the feedback to better improve their company their website and after you submit your feedback and your screenshot They will start to review that by their moderators and if they are done they'll start to pay you right and let me show you what is the feedback so you don't have to worry because For these methods, you don't have to show your face. Ok, and you don't even have to show your voice

You don't have to speak out any stuff unlike other testing website for this a feedback is just a screen of the website Right if you are taking the phone if you are testing on this website, for example If you are testing on protection, you just have to take a screenshot to prove that you have been going to the website Okay, and give a very short clear description, it can be positive. It can be negative Elements, for example, right I would have liked the connection button to be more prominent because I couldn't find it Okay a screenshot Passed a short review a short feedback and that is how you can get paid by doing this over And over again that would take you about five to ten minutes to do it and they'll have unlimited of job Opportunities on this website, right? So if you wanna join them, if you're no guest order just click on these start earning money You'll find these buttons all over the places throughout the website Okay become a tester click on this one and They're gonna load this page and land on a signup form And once you sign up we can actually get instant two euros dollars Once you sign up right once your son are you putting in your email you put in a password?

They're sent you two euros right away without you even do any stop Okay, and once you get verified, you can see tons and tons of different jobs. We shall show you right now the live demonstration Make sure that you watch this video on to the end because there are a lot of tips That I wanna share with you sooner. You can secure your money A lot of people they actually fail to make money on this website because they make these kind of mistakes we shall point out to you in the later part of this video because remember this tent number three is that Your feedback is will reveal by their moderators, right if you get this approved, you will not make any money So make sure you watch this video until the end. So let us go on to the step-by-step demonstration right now So once you sign up once you create a free account on your phone on your tablet or on your desktop you're gonna be login into that and you'll see many different mission many different projects that you can pick up right here for Example for this one you can use a desktop the pay of five euros desktop five euros for this one You can use a mobile phone and they'll pay you ten euros for doing that Okay, and once you complete those different mission different tasks the current show of your congratulations your mission has been validated and they'll pay your money for doing that and you can see how much you earn at the back-office as Well, so let me show you if you're not join them Just click on one of the example If you're not do this chop right now five euros is gonna click on this read the brief. Okay. Click on this green button I'm moving the next step before you're starting a mission. They're gonna give you a quick reminder on what is the expectation, right?

This is very very important. If you didn't complete any one of these you will not get approved by the moderator Meaning that you will not make any money meaning that you will waste your time by doing this job Okay, so make sure that your duties are completely accurate first off. You have to write complete sentences, right? I'll show you exactly how to do that and the later part of this video and also a feedback must contain only One idea a lot of guys. They just threw out many different ideas on one feedback so that way they will not get approve Okay, make sure that you get only one idea in every one feedback and also provide at least one feedback per step Right this I'll show you a few simple steps step one step two step three Make sure that you give only one idea per feedback for every step Okay, and also report at least two problems with maybe one problem is about hey, these buttons is not clickable Maybe the second problem is that I cannot find the about me page. Okay on the website So these are two problems on this report. So let's say you have find two problems on the website You have to mark one problem as important, right? So there is very important you have to do this all correctly so that you can secure your money on your mission Okay, make sure they do that and after that you can click on this next button So after you click on the next button they'll show you the website link crater URL link to the website of Ikea you're gonna click on this link and go to the actual website, okay So follow the step by step instruction visit the IKEA website Take some time to explore and discover the website and give your first impression So once you visit a website, you have to add a screenshot to prove that you actually have visited the website So right now let me show you how you can add a screen shot of the website. Okay? so first off you to click the button and you have to click on this browse button and you have to start to upload your Screenshot and you're gonna go through that and click on this upload green button They'll start uploading your images the screenshot of the website and that's it So once you upload the screen shot of the website You got to select this is a problem or this is accompaniment for the example These guys gonna click on this is a problem And right now you'll get a title of your feedback and also some short description of your experience, right?

Let me show you what you can type on this So now this is a short example, for example The title of the feedback is that clarify what this website has to offer right for this example I think this first impression is not so good I think this is a problem and the feedback that I want to give for them is that I Cannot find a clear offer on the website, right? So the problem is that clarify What is the website has to offer and I'm gonna share some of the experience when I first? You know browsing the website when I first explore the website the first three things I see on the homepage or cookies information. Ash I display about sales happening now and some quick big questions probably about armchairs, but honestly, I don't know Okay None of that is useful to me given I want to buy some furniture The sales announcement might be but again it is so tiny. I do not dare to click on it. It is ridiculous. Really? Ok, so there is some experience of you actually browsing the website is your first impression so after you put in your title and a short description you can click on this feedback is one of the most Important for me. Ok. Remember I talked about you have to mark one of your feedback that's important, right? This could be your first year our first feedback. It could be not important maybe on the next feedback You can click on these This is important right remember to mark one of the feedback as important And after that you can click on these go to the next step or if you want to edit your description you can stay on This tab and edit your description added a title But once you get you ready? You want to go to the next step? Just click on this green button go to the next step. Ok? So now there's a step number one, which is the first impression. So right now you go to step number two again, right?

You're gonna go on to the website. You're gonna give you the URL link click on that You're gonna follow the step by step instruction and upload your images upload a screenshot and compete and repeat the same process That is it, right. Your feedback has been sent successfully you can now create a new one. That's very simple You can do this over and over again. Just repeat it. It's really simple We can do it on your phone on your tablet or even on your desktop So once you complete all the steps at the end I'm going to show you right you have come for feed backs You're gonna identify at least two problems and you have mark at least one as important. Congratulations your fulfill all the requirements But before validating, please reveal one last time your feedback and then click on the finish. Ok, then when do you review again? Make sure that you don't have any mistakes. You're gonna go to again the for feedback once you identify everything is correct Everything secure a just click on this finish Mission button and you'll start to review your application and you're gonna get paid once they're proof. Ok Ok, so that is the step-by-step demonstration that I talked about You have to go to that if you having some difficulty make sure that you watch this video again Follow the step by step instruction that I talked about make sure that you don't miss out any key information Ok, so this one will show up in today's video I hope that you do gain some sort of value from me If you do like this video if you gain some sort of value from me remember You hit the like button and if you are new to my channel Remember to subscribe so that you can make more money with my daily brand new videos here on the notification bar as well And if you would like to learn my number one recommendation to make a full-time passive income online Click on the first link down in the video description Branson tail comm slash start and I'll show you all the details how you can make hundreds.

 If not, Thousands of dollars per day by using these methods. I'm really happy to share with you all the details So click on the link right now Which is what I think is the best right now after personally reviewing hundreds and hundreds of different website. Ok I'll see you on the inside and see you on my next video. Take care and bye for now 

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