Showing posts with label how to make $20000 per month. Show all posts
Showing posts with label how to make $20000 per month. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How to make $20000 per month

 I'm John Crestani I'm an affiliate marketer and for the last four years, I've been running a seven-figure business but I got my start with blogging. Now, in this video I'm gonna show you how I was consistently making $20,000 commissions every single month from my little blog and I'm gonna walk you through how you can as well. Let's get it. So blogging is one of the simplest ways to earn an income online and get in front of people. Google is serving you up on a golden platter specific people that are googling specific search terms in their engine and you can get in front of them simply by writing a blog post. There's two ways to go about making money online with blogs, obviously there's a lot of business models you could be selling consulting ecommerce affiliate marketing I teach affiliate marketing that's what I do . But, I'm gonna focus just on getting traffic to your blog, okay? Now, the first approach is you could go after broad terms such as best baby diapers orreally untargeted terms where people are looking for a selection of items and this approach I found is very hard if you're just starting out. There are a lot of websites out there who have a lot of authority there's baby lists there's Lucy's list there's all these mom websites that have been around for 10years or more and they they have these big keywords really nailed down. The way to make money in the way I got started making money online with blogging was in 2012 and that was using very targeted terms, buyers words. So before I jump on my computer and show you the examples of a website that I used and the terms I was going after, I need to first explain intent to you the concept of keyword intent. So you can think of it like a funnel, okay? And up here you have lots of people searching for terms but they're not as interested in buying. Lots of people that are searching for you know that are searching millions of times a month or a year for these search terms and down here you have very few people who are searching for little very on targeted terms. But up here you have very little money because the people don't really they aren't really ready to buy whatever product or service you're offering yet, whereas down here you have big money. Okay? Now, if you're getting started out in internet marketing if you're starting an internet business and you want to make money you want to make passive profits, you're not gonna be able to compete up here again the broad area is not for you which you want to go for is the less you want to be the sniper and get the big money because there's big money in little traffic and I'm gonna show you an example of how. So, let's start out with a very innocuousexample. So people searching for a term such as TVs, Okay? TVs would be a very common term people who are searching to buy a TV the first thing you might Google is TVs. That same person though the people who are really getting specific might start googling a more specific term such as 72 inch TV this person has a little better idea of what they want and getting in front of that person with a selection of 72 inch TVs would be much more targeted way to goabout making money as either an affiliate or an e-commerce person. How can we get more targeted than 72 inch TV? Well let's go a little bit deeper. Samsung 72 inch TV. Now, we're getting a little bit more specific the person not only knows what size of TV they want but they know the actual brand name. Now,we're starting to get somewhere and this is where we start seeing we can start seeing some money we can show people ads based on a Samsung 72 inch TV there aren't too many Samsung 72 inch TVs so we're hitting less people but we're hitting people who are much more assured of what they want now how can you get more specific than this? Now, getting more specific than a keyword such as Samsung 72 inch TV might seem a little difficult at first but that's where the money is. Son zoo said the obstacle is the way I'm gonna show you how in just a second here. Now, I'm gonna jump a little bit ahead and go straight to the big money terms I hope you don't mind if that's alright with you but the big money term would be this, samsung six to zero one two zero six. You might be thinking John are you totally crazy have you completely lost your mind? Who would search for Samsung six two zero one two zero six, that just seems like a bunch of numbers. What this term is right here you may think nobody's actually searching for this long string of numbers. But what this search term actually is, is this is a skew number this is the actual model number of this particular samsung TV. The only people that are searching for this specific term are people who have actually gone into a Best Buy or a Walmart looked at the price of the TV and are googling it online to find a cheaper price because they believe they can get a cheaperprice online. These are buyers and finding these sorts of keyword terms in your niche it takes research it takes almost insider knowledge but these are the terms that if you can snipe them you can write a blog article about them and target these specific terms then you're in the money. You're in the big money . Now, I'm on my computer and am i googling one of these very specific terms for a samsung 72 inch TV and if you see on my screen right here the search term I searched for is Samsung it's even longer it's Samsung UN seven five whatever eight to five and this was this is the actual model number of a Samsung I guess they only have 75 inch TVs but that's what I'm using right here. And what you'll see is that this term actually gets 344 impressions per month. That's a lot of people searching for such a highly specific term and again 75 inch TVs are the highest end TVs you can get. The point I'm trying to demonstrate is that there is massive volume there's more volume than you would think in these unbelievably targeted keywords and if you figure them out you can put yourself in front of big buyers who will spend lots of money whether it's on your own products or in a product that you're marketing for someone else. Let me show you an example from my own actual marketing campaigns and explain to you the process I went through to make$20,000 a month consistently from just blogging online and then I'll show you one of the websites an example of a website that's similar to mine that I used to earn this sort of money so when So when I started out affiliate marketing I did it on I didn't even know I was doing affiliate marketing I was actually working for a a client who was paying me a base amount of money to manage his adsbut he gave me a bonus because he wanted to incentivize me to utilize the full potential of my skills and he said John I will pay $10,000 a month base or 3percent of of the revenue we collect in my company for you to do my ads he saysI want to get a lot of leads and I want to get a lot of money he says I want you to make as much money for my company as possible that's why I'm leaving your income uncapped it was the opportunity of lifetime and the client was willingto pay for all of the ads himself coming across that was a drop of gold it was adrop of luck now the company I was I was marketing for was an investment company so what I could have done to market this company I could have tried to blog around the key word investments now this keyword is way too broad and I would never get my blog ranked for it nor would I necessarily make any money again the way this works is yes a lot of people are searching for investment or investments but there's not that much money in it relatively speaking overall the investment market is massive there's so much money in it even even in an untargeted term there's just the amount of money an investment world is unbelievable but that being said that even bigger money is down here in the more targeted targeted terms so the next thing I did was I got specific what type of investments was the company I was working for selling they were selling gold investments. So I could have ranked myself for the term gold investments. Again,slightly more targeted less people are searching for this term it's a bit longer it's much more specific gold investments a very specific type of investor who's looking to invest in gold. Isn't that targeted enough? isn't that specific eno ugh? Well, we're gonna go more deeper. Now, a more specific term than this would be actually going deeper into how you could do this. These are all terms that get search volume. This is the next more specific term 401k gold rollover. That's gotta work right? That's gotta work how can you get more specific than that, what even is a 401 K gold roller? Over I had no idea when I was marketing this company what the heck of 401 K was or what the heck or rollover was I was 24 at the time, but what I learned was that 401K's are retirement accounts right I'm 24. How the heck am I supposed to know that term and rollovers are a specific way that you move money from a retirement accountinto another asset class such as gold. Now, this is a person looking for such a specific term. They they have a 401 K they're looking to move it into goldthrough a rollover how can you get more specific to buyers than that? Let's go deeper Rosland capital that's got to be the term. I don't even know what that is.Rosland capital is a competitor gold company to the one that I was marketing.The only people that would be searching for Rosland capital are people that are not only interested in a 401 K gold rollover but they'd seen an ad forRosland capital and they may be interested in working with the company. Therefore, this is somebody who's already interested in doing a 401k rollover. They believe they have a company they want to work with they're just looking for a little more information. Surely this has to be the term but I went one level deeper and this was where the big money was and this is how I was created to create an income stream for myself that lasted for years . This was the money term Rosland capital review, somebody who was searching for a review of Rosland capital was interested in being a customer of the company but not necessarily totally convinced thatRosland capital was the right company to conduct their gold 401k rollover. Now that left the door wide open for somebody like me to recommend the company that I was an affiliate for simply by saying that Rosland capitalit's a company but it's not necessarily the best company out there. That seed of doubt that somebody already had in their mind by searching for this word review that little seed of doubt that the prospect for this company had, I was ableto use to do well maybe I was slightly biased but rating ratings and reviews of this company and the other gold companies in the industry, and end up recommending the company I worked for which paid me to get me more customers for them and which I believe is the best gold company around. Now I created a consistent income stream by putting upreviews of other gold companies in this space and I'm going to show you an example of one of an example of the type of blog that I put up to make this sortof money. Now I don't work in this space anymore but this is an example toillustrate to you what is possible and how you can go about things. So here I am in on a review site it's called gold IRA handbook and I put up site something similar to this. This was on a Wordpress site I wasI was hosting it through a Bluehost I believe and only pain you know it only costs a few bucks per month to host a website. It's very cheap to host a website doesn't cost a lot of money. Now, what I did was I simply wrote a review and I ranked for the term Rosland capital review. Now, if you go down here you'll see that it's you know I would do something similar to this.What does Rosland Capital offer. Who is Rosland capital? Things I like about Rosland capital, things I don't like about Rosland capital and this is where you start to capitalize on the the things that make it an imperfect company.Okay, this is where your get a chance to expand on that seed of doubt within that customers mind to recommend whatever you are an affiliate for. Now, again my intention for this was to get more customers for the company I'm working for to afford myself a living. Some of you may not be okay with this sort of marketing but it is perfectly legal it is perfectly sound by all laws and it works you may be unsure about this marketing because you can see its effectiveness but I hope nobody here doubts the effectiveness of the marketing I'm doing in creating customers and in creating massive amounts of wealth for marketers. Now, here we go and you know I put the reviews I put their ratings and all that stuff. Okay? Ripoff reports the more information you compile the more you're helping the world be more transparent actually, so by compiling information with reviews like this you are not only helping the customer but you're helping yourself. Now, I did the same thing that this affiliate does which I recommended a gold company at the end and the company I was working with was regal assets right there and by doing this it may seem like a crazy amount of work it may seem like it's a lot of work to go to to make money but this is just a blog post this is this is only about 250 or maybe 500words to write which takes about 30 minutes to write and you said it you forget it and you can rank for it. And if you go after targeted keywords like this,you'll have a much easier time ranking than if you were going after terms such as gold investment. And that's how I made money by putting my affiliate link down here and getting people who went through my affiliate link invested millions uponmillions upon millions of dollars every year with the company I was recommending and it made me a lot of money. Now, let me know in the comments if this was helpful .If this was on fire if you learned something just type in "boom" in the comments or type it "on fire" in the comments if you learn something new from these examples and from seeing examples on my computer of actual affiliate marketing websites of actual affiliate marketing tactics that can make you massive amounts of money. If you aren't subscribed to my channel yet make sure you click that subscribe button wherever it is and hit those notification bells because I do crazy live streams sometimes I do giveaways I have a marketing course six week marketing course on affiliate marketing where sometimes I'll give that away on live streams, but I'd love to see your interaction on things and I'd love to see if this was really helpful I'll domore of this. Thanks for tuning in and here's to your prosperity and successsee you soon.