Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Work From Home Teachers

 - Hey, Angie Nelson herefrom Lately I've been getting a lot of emails from those of you thatare teachers out there. Maybe you are looking topick up some extra work with summer upon us, ormaybe this is your last year teaching and you'regoing to be looking for some opportunities to make some extra cash in retirement. This video is for you. We're going to be talkingabout some great opportunities for teachers and even retired teachers to earn some extra money from home. Make sure you stay to the end of the video to find out how you canget my seven day series on finding work at home, free. Now turning to onlinework at home opportunities to supplement or evenreplace your teaching income is something that a lot ofteachers are doing today whether you are facing a longsummer break, retirement, or even if you're looking fora career or lifestyle change. Thankfully, there are alot of great opportunities out there for teachers and former teachers to make money online, while putting their teaching expertise to good use. Now one of the first opportunities I wanted to talk to you about today, is going to be teachingEnglish as a second language. This is really a booming industry that we're seeing onlinethe last couple of years and it's really offeringa great opportunity for a flexible schedule andsome great pay in some cases. Now in many cases, these sites are going to be providing you with the curriculum that you need in orderto teach your students and in many cases, your students are going to be in other countries. Usually we are talking about China, Japan, South Korea and because those countries are kind of on the other side of the world from us, those students are needing their tutoring in their evenings and that's early in themorning for us here in the US. In many cases we'regoing to be talking about 4:00 to 7:00 a.m. Eastern time is going to be the largest demand for those English as a second language tutors. Now when we get into thisindustry, there are a lot of great websites thatyou can check out here. VIPKID is one, Qkids is another. There's also a site called Cambly. I'll leave you a linkin the description below to a big list of these opportunities, but they're reallyplentiful and in many cases, You don't even need to have a teaching certificate,or a teaching degree. They simply want a Bachelor's degree or even for you to be enrolledin an online university, excuse me, in a university or college. So this is definitely something you could take advantage of, even if you're wanting to hang up your teaching credentials. Now there are a lot ofsites here in the US that also focus on your standard tutoring. Tutoring in things like science, and math and those subjects that weare focused on here in the US. And in many cases,those sites are going to want someone with a teaching certificate, with an active certificate, so that is something to keep in mind. In some cases, they aregoing to be state-specific as well, so you will want to check out the job listings individually and check out what the requirements are. And if you are dealing with a US site, this is going to be anopportunity for maybe you to work in our evenings,if that's something that you're looking for,if you do have a day job. Or maybe you are taking careof children during the day. This will be an opportunity foryou to work in the evenings. Now we do have some seasonal positions when we get into theonline teaching world. Test prep and test scoringare two that we see quite frequently in thespring and the fall. Those may not be opportunitiesthat are available right now, since we are just getting ready to head into the summer season, but it is something that youcan keep and eye open for. A couple of them that wedo see quite frequently would be, Kaplan,Pearson, Measurement Inc. Those are all sites thatdo have frequent openings available in those test prepand test scoring fields. Now we do see quite a few sites that hire teachers as freelance writers. This can be anotheropportunity to take advantage of those little blocks of time that you find yourself available with during the day as manyfreelance writing jobs are really flexible as far asthe scheduling is concerned. As long as you can get your projects done by the deadline, they don't so much care about what time you're doing them or even where you're doing them, if some of you out thereare traveling this summer. A couple of the sites that we often see in the writing industrylooking for teachers are, Magoosh, there is a site called eNotes, ETS, and Measured Progress. Now a lot of these sites,what they are looking for, are teachers to createtest prep materials, study lessons, study guides,things of that nature that you can put your expertise and certain subjects to good use while you're helping out other teachers and other students to kindof hone their skills as well. Now, Teachers Pay Teachers is a really popular site among teachers. On this site, it's going tobe an online marketplace. It's going to have an enormous collection of free and paid resources available for teachers to purchaseand in many cases, they are created by other teachers. We may be talking about study guides or lesson plans and thiscould be an opportunity for you to earn some passive income. Maybe you put your wares for sale up on the site and theyjust kind of make sales as you go on about your business. So it can be a great opportunity to get some extra cash rolling in without a lot of ongoing work. Now, Teachers Pay Teachers probably isn't going to replace your teaching salary, but it can be a good wayto make some extra cash on some work that you've already done. Now those are just afew great opportunities for teachers to make someextra cash from home. I'll leave you a link to a post in the description belowfor you to learn more about these opportunitiesin addition to some others. And while you're over there, make sure you get signed up forthat free seven day series on finding work from home as well. Now, if you liked today's video, please give it a like and a share and make sure you'resubscribed to my channel so you'll get notificationof the next video. Until then, I wish you best of luck in your work at home job search. 

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