Monday, July 6, 2020

Make Money From Your Car 2020

 Hi guys welcome back to another money Monday video where we talk all about making your wallet right on Monday if you're new to my channel hello my name is Kat Theo and today I have a plant with me to make it look a little bit less like I'm in a tub because I would not put a plant in my tub that would be weird so today we're gonna talk about nine ways you can make your car make you some money today there are two main things you probably should understand if you're gonna make a lot of money in life one of those things is a liability and an asseta liability is something that you buy that takes money away from your wallet and an asset is something you can buy that makes you money for most people their car is a liability but today we're gonna make your car into an asset it's like something falling from my building I don't know what that was so if you are an OG to my channel and you've been following me for a little bit I've already talked about some of these ways so we're just gonna get through the first few things out of our talked about in other videos quickly and then we're going to talk about the new things in detail later so let's get into it so the first way you can turn your car into a money-making machine is by driving kids around so in my last video I talked about Zum but there are tons of children's transportation services all over the United States that you can check out so Zum Kango and hop skip drive are all located in the California area kid car is in New York bubblDallas is in the Dallas area go kart is in North Carolina area and kids cab is in Chicago if you are not located in any of these places you can just type in kids transportation services into Google with your city like Omaha or Seattle and you will see everything that comes up so with all of these kids transportation services you will be fingerprinted have a background check and it is important that you have a clean driving record okay my second way your car can make you money is by roadie like I mentioned in my other video roadie is an app that matches up people that need to get something shipped with people that are already going in that direction so if you're already going in that direction you can pick up this tangible item and you can go wherever they need you to go the amount does vary from shipment to shipment but the pay will be between $8to $50 per shipment my third way you can make money with your car is with shiptshipt is essentially delivering groceries to customers you can make upto $25 an hour with shipt plus tips another similar website to shift is Burpy wit Burpy they pay you by direct deposit and you can actually choose when you are going to get paid so if you decide you want to wait until you have a thousand dollars in the app you can do that the fourth way is with Amazon flex like we talked about before Amazon flex pays about 18 to 25 dollars an hour delivering Amazon packages you do need commercial insurance, aas well as a clean driving record and a background check but deliveries are available seven days a week so it's very likely you will have a lot of options of deliveries the fifth way we talked about in my other video is with Turo renting out your car when you're not using it so if you are using your car during the week to get to work or to study but on the weekends maybe you could use your mom's car or your friend's car or maybe your friends can just pick you up then this could be a really good opportunity for you to make some money while you're not using your car another app slash website similar to Turo is get around get around website says that the average renter makes about six thousand dollars a year on get around and on Turo it's about six thousand five hundred dollarsa year or renting out your car for average of fifteen days okay now that's out the way let's talk about the new ways you can make some money out of your car the six way is through lime juicing lime juicing is essentially charging limes which are scooters around your city that are dead or have a low battery so what you will do is you will use the app to find where are the dead limescooters and you will take them to your house and you will charge them in your home these scooters take about five to seven hours to charge completely and you'll be paid five to nine dollars per scooter so if you can take like four toeight scooters at a time you can be making you know pretty good money so if you combine lime juicing with some of the other side hustles on this list you can be making an extra thirty forty dollars an hour but we will get into that a little bit later I will link down in the description box a post that I found on reddit of a real life lime juicer and he talks about all his pros and cons of juicing my seventh way is Carvetise or wrapify these are two companies that I have heard about in the past which is essentially just wrapping your car with advertisement the walking billboard I never mention edit before because I didn't think you could make that much money until one of my subscribers Jerry made a comment saying that his daughter does this and makes seven hundred and fifty dollars a month with just having this out of her car which I'm like that's crazy because if you're already doing uber or lyft and you just have this on your car that's an extra $750 a month like that is not bad so to qualify with them you do need to have a clean driving record and you have to drive at least thirty miles a day my next way is go share so if you have a truck then you probably understand the struggle of people always asking you to borrow your truck when they need to move their stuff out their house or if theyneed to move an Ikea couch into their home well now you can get paid to use your truck to rent it out to people and also to help people move and things like that another similar website like this to rent out your truck to other people is called buddy Turk my ninth site you can use is called I carpool I'm like uber you can add trips that you already commonly take on your morning commute or your evening commute also you don't have to go searching for people and pick them up they all come to you so if you live in the suburbs for example and you commute to the city every single day you can put your trip that okay meeting point is at Walmart at 7 o'clock and I'm gonna drop you off at the Apple store at 7:30 or 8 o clock however long it takes you and everyone has to meet there you get in the car and go so you're actually making money from the empty seats in your car and since you don't have to go out of your way to give rides you're actually making money on routes you already take every single day ICarpooldoesn't say how much they pay per ride but I imagine that it's something that you decide and take a commission okay so those are my nine ways you can make your car make you money but like I was saying if you combine multiple of these side hustles together you can be making thousands of dollars a month just by having a car for example if you combine Turo limejuicing carvetise and shipt every month as well as if you already are doing uber or lyft you can be making a ton of money and actually I'm really considering it it's not that bad of idea if I were to buy a new car and I have to pay about $300 a month on that the payment and I'm making let's say $4,000a month I am essentially getting a free car okay thanks so much for watching this video if you have any other ways that you make money by using your car please let us know because your comments are really helping us in helping the community know how we can you know better our pocket sand that's always really appreciated so I will see you in the next video I loveyou guys bye 

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