Showing posts with label Make Money online for moms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Make Money online for moms. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Make Money online for moms

 Hey guys it is a DMK and in this article we want to talk about how to make money with affiliate marketing as a mom as a stay-at-home mom as a single mom if your mom and you want to learn how to make extra income for the household maybe you are a stay-at-home mom I get this question actually all the time actually a lot of my friends that are in real estate you know maybe they have a dualyou know husband-and-wife team but mostly a lot of the husbands are you know doing most of the day-to-day work obviously sometimes there is a wife there who helps that was part of the business but really their full-time job is to take care of the little ones and so I get this question actually asked all the time multiple times from husbands asking hey Stacia do you know how my wife can generate some extra income you know I think as partners especially as moms we this is the biggest job ever right like we should we're totally underpaid but we also feel like we want to contribute monetarily to the house and you can do that with affiliate marketing so I wanted to share with you this quick video about how you can make extra money maybe as a side hustle with affiliate marketing if you're new to affiliate marketing you're not sure what affiliate marketing is it's basically a referral business it's basically what you guys do in real estate too so if you're in real estateas well and maybe business is slow and you want to add you know add generate more income through affiliate marketing it's the best way to add additional revenue to your business no matter what business you're in you can talk about pretty much everything under the Sun that you love about and what I mean by talking about you can create traffic basically at what affiliate marketing is you're referring people other products right so maybe you were for someone hey this is the you know the best phone or a webcam or ifyou're a mom you can talk about baby products right so one of my best actually it's kind of funny the top video that I have the most popular videothat I have on YouTube is not one of my tutorials it's actually a video that I did with Ava on a baby carrier so what I do is I create these video reviews about a product that I love and I post it on YouTube and I put an affiliate link soyou can be an affiliate for some of the biggest companies out there if you don'teven you actually probably don't even realizeBest Buy Walmart Home Depot if you're in the real estate industry Wayfair has anaffiliate program so pretty much any product out there if you look aroundyour household and you're like ok I love well for me I do a lot of videos around software's lead generation and tech tutorials and making money online on myyoutube channel and I don't know if you guys I just want to make sure that youguys can't hear me since every time I talk my daughter starts laughing I thought it would be a good idea right here with me doing a video about moms right how can we make extra money as a mom online let me check the chat here real quick as well I can't see everybody here where is it somehow I lost that window I want to see who's there silly girl so if you're a mom or if you have a momfriend that you wants you know to learn how to make more money online through affiliate marketing tagged them in this video as well I'd love to see who's out there who who are is interested in more about about this topic because I'd like to put more videos like this on my youtube channel well basically you can become an affiliate for almost everything look around here you know appliances you're like everything that you love if you are in taquito if you're into health and fitness if you're into the insta pot like pretty much everything that you purchased look at your Amazon list things that you bough ton Amazon Amazon has an affiliate program as well - Amazonthe thing with Amazon it's a very it's a low ticket Amazon affiliate program so you only the Commission is very low so you know do the numbers if you are only making two and a half percent to 4 percent maybe it depends on what the product is you're you're not you have to sell a lot ofblenders you know you'd have to sell probably about 446 blenders to make a thousand dollars if is if the blender is like a fifty dollar blender and that'slike a lot of blenders right sorry so yeah basically you have to sell a lotof items and if you have a lot of traffic like if you get really good at SEO you know those you'd have to yeah you'd have to sell a lot of blender so I personally focus on products that arereoccurring that have that have a reoccurring revenue that's a subscription model and if you for instance click funnels so click funnels you guys here we talked about click funnels all the time it's very versatileyou can use it for pretty much any business on the internet that wants to grow their business so I do a lot of tutorials about click funnels there's a40% Commission on clickfunnels and so you do the math there 40% out of ninety seven dollars is there like basic package to 297 which again 40%Commission but if we focused on a hundred subscribers on the the $97package and I had a hundred my goal isn't to have a hundred subscribers on that product that's three thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars a monthreoccurring revenue now that's where affiliate marketing becomes a passiveincome so I better go I do want to talk more about these these type of topics and if you're interested or if you know a mom who's interested in making an additional revenue you know whether they're stay-at-home mom a full working mom or whatever but you just want to learn how I do what I do comment below tag them in this article and I'll do more articles about it step-by-step on how to really create a affiliate marketing business from scratch right what say much love and aloha