Wednesday, July 8, 2020

How to find work at home

 Hello, my name is Luis Estrada and I am asoftware developer. In this video I'll show you how to find work at home jobs on line.A great advantage of working on line is that you are not limited to work for a local company.You could earn good money as a freelance worker for companies from all around the world. Companies benefit too because they might have small, seasonal or one time projects that do not require them to hire someone. Sometimes companies require just a few hours of a highly specialized professional to solve their needs. A great website where you can find work at home opportunities is In this website companies post projects that they need professionals to complete. Freelancers can then provide and estimated fee to perform the job. If you are interested in becoming a freelance professional on this website, you will start gaining a  reputation for each project that your work on. I will give you a quick overview on how the website works. The first thing that you need to do is look for available projects.You can filter the projects by category. For example, accounting, legal, programming, writing,etcetera. We will filter them to view only programming projects. For each available project you have a title that works as a link for a page describing the project in more depth,a sub category, a project phase that has five different stages starting on planning and finishing on the review of the completed project. A bidding end, this is the time that the project is available for professionals to provide a proposal for the work. Then you have the number of bids that the project has received. Each bid represents a professional submitting a proposal to the company. Finally, the budget is the amount of money the company intends to spend on the project. When you click on the link you will see the stage that the project is in. A detailed explanation of the work needed and a navigation menu where you can see the bid history, public project discussions and a section for providing reviews for companies and freelancers. I am Luis Estrada and I've just showed you how to make money with your websites. 

How to make money from $10 to $50 per day

 All right it's a boy kept coming at you today with another good article where you can make anywherefrom 10 to 50 dollars per day from the comfort of your own home making moneyonline all right well stick around you're gonna want to hang out for this one I want to get you started on that right now all righty guys welcome back to the article my name is DMK - later calm we're gonna do a article today where I can show you I'm going to show you another site that I found whereyou can easily make anywhere from 10 to 50 dollars per day working right fromthe comfort of your home making money online okay alright first of all ifyou're new to my article or to my channel and/or you've been here before and youhave not yet subscribed to the channel be sure that you reach down there below and hit that subscribe button and don't forget to click the bell so you get notified when we upload new videos which we we do pretty regularly here alrighty alrighty guys great and also for the newcomers like I always like to say iswe do affiliate marketing videos here how-to videos anything to do with makingmoney online to help you live the life of freedom and also we'll throw in amotivational video for you once in a while as well ok alrighty guys well I'm anxious to show this to you here today so we're going to get started on thathere right now all right so we're gonna come over here click on our our favoriteOpera browser here and we come up to this site right here it's called userfeel as you can see right here up here in the address bar you see it's WW userfeel calm right and this is a secure web site here too as well now so what isuser feel well it's similar to like the videos I did the other dayvalidating it some of that where you can come and you can test websites and appsuser feel is the same type of way same type of thing here so what is user feelwell user feel is a usability testing tool that gives you videos of real usersspeaking their thoughts as they use your website or applications alright and thenuser feel was designed and developed by usability researcherfor usability researchers but also for newcomers to UX research and anyone whowants to optimize their website or apps so the front page here talks about thecompanies that use this site their websites are look nice and they workgood and and they want your opinion on that they want you to check out theirwebsites and apps and give your opinion for that and they're willing to pay youanywhere from 10 to 50 dollars per day to do this depending on the amount oftests that you take per day right and right here you can see several companiesthat that they use their most a lot of them are pretty popular least to me Iknow a Rakuten and I know of Lowe's right there's certain at renew OfficeDepot South Australia Emiratis Airlines and tabouleh Target and a lot of peopleheard of Target right Tesco and the University of Utah there's even theuniversities that use this website too I guess and also Victoria state governmentquite a few here and there's an Assessor of these great companies and thousandsmore use user feel to make their websites and their applications betterand this is where you come in on this too so as we scroll down through here ittalks a little bit more about companies that come here can see this and it ithelps them get a good feel for this website and how their websites and appswill be tested all right and user testing on any device they can test ondesktop mobile or tablets testing with both our app and an external cameraallows us to test websites or applications even on Android iPhones oriPads tablets in fast and easy reporting teamwork and highlighted videos and thecompanies that come here as you can see get a lot of information on why theywould want to use user field comm to test their websites in applications andthese are some of the videos here other people such as yourself doingtesting on some of these other customers websites and stuff here that's rightso now but what we're interested in is we're interested in how to make moneywith this ourselves right so if we can now you two places you can do this youcan scroll all the way to the bottom here and get past the testimonies andstuff here from the companies that use this site come clear to the bottom andyou see down here where it says become a usability tester or you can also up hereat the top get to the same page as right here where it says become a tester justclick on that either one the bottom or the top doesn't matterbrings you over to this site or this page here and on this page it saystester frequently asked questions it says become a tester and earn $10 pertest and each test lasts about 10 to 20 minutes and is completed with your homecomputer or your smartphone read the following instructions and watch theexample video to understand what our customers are looking for from a testernow here's a video right here that that you can watch now I'll just play thisthing I've already watched it it's 4 minutes long and I'm not gonna play thatwhole four-minute video and waste your time watching this here you can comehere and watch it although I will play a few seconds of it for you here and soyou can sort of see and hear what this person is doing here testing this BSBwebsite for this customer here so on this website here PSB and it's askingyou to set my country and language I'm gonna go ahead and do that the firstthing I'm noticing is this sale up to 50% off so it's gonna be the first placethat I look that's always something very eye-catching to me when the websitementions a sale right off the bat that's usually where look first for things I'm noticing this is a fairly extensivesound they've got a lot going on um so I think I would like to find a search soit's right over here and maybe search for this instead so you see guys whatthis tester is doing she's just talking about what she's doing while using thecompany's website talking about what she's doing and how it could be improvedof her own ideas and opinions and how it can be improved and that's what she'llbe doing - seems pretty simple pretty easy actually guys but you can go ondown here and like it says here I read this already it says read the followinginstructions carefully before you apply to this now it says what do usabilitytest is due well they conduct usability tests on websites their job is toimagine a given scenario and perform certain tasks like finding a product inan online store and going through the checkout processthis helps site owners find and fix usability issues if there may be youknow like bugs and their website and things are not working right you canyou'll see that and you can point that out to the to the company about that bugon their website and it says do testers need to buy products or services fromthe websites they test the answer to that is no you may be asked to gothrough the checkout process of online stores but most of the time thescenarios will ask you to stop before clicking on the final submit button inany case you should not enter your real credit card details while performing atest now and then what equipment do you need to be a tester rightin order to test websites and get paid 10 dollars per test you need to have aWindows or Mac computer if on Windows you need to have Windows 7 or newer soif you're if you're right still running Windows Vista or Windows 2000 ormillennium or Windows XP not going to work for you on that you need to have itLee windows 7or up to Windows 10 on thatokay now your computer also needs to have a microphone of course eitherinternal like most laptops have or an external microphone such as you can evenuse a headset like I have right here this works this works just as just fineall right you can get those fairly cheap at like Walmart or any of yourdepartment stores you know you can get a microphone or just a headset or amicrophone which every will work fine and and then if you need you can buy anexternal microphone even the cheapest one sells wrong two dollars and saysthat'll work so you're good to go on that as long asyou have a microphone should I use my real name and address while conductconducting a test no you should use fake details while conducting a test well youcould use a fake email email address that you make up I suppose or you canuse a like a gmail address that you make up just specifically for this job orsomething like that too you could use that just for the sake of to followthrough and make sure it works I suppose in what language I speak you shouldspeak in the language of the test you will be sent tests in your nativelanguage and sometimes in another language that you have set as yourfluently spoken language in your profile which I'll show you guys here in just amoment so you should never be asked to speak in languages that you don't speakfluently okay what is the qualification to test and why doing it what is it whatis the qualification for tests and why do I need to take well says thequalification test is the initial test each new tester needs to take in orderto verify that they have a microphone on their computer and that they can speaktheir thoughts at the same time you're working on the website right and thenbased on this qualification test testers receive the first rating that willdetermine if and how often they'll get to do paid usability test there's nopayment for the qualification test so what that's telling me is you want toget your rating up in other words the the qualification tests will dependingon how good you do that will depend on your writing or your ranking and get youmore qualified tests to do so that you can make more money all right and thenwhat are the screener questions before you start a test you may be asked toanswer one more screener questions in order to determine that you are theright fit for the test and then so on and so forthand then the next one what makes a good tester a good usability test to speak asthey surf the website so you need to be able to talk at the same time you'reworking on a website if you saw in that a few seconds of that video I showed youwhere another girl was testing a website there and they expressed their thoughtsand can provide useful feedback on how they expect the website to work and thenyou tells you to watch that video up there for the example and testers we donot want to test her to just read what the site says the client already knowswhat's on the site right say everything is okay show off how good they are andhow easy and fast they can complete the task flatter the site however if you'rereally impressed with something on the website you can tell them that - andthen you not to go beyond the scenario or not perform the required tasks andthey don't want you to perform a test like don't try to be an expert or takeyou're a great rep website worker they these people don't impress with thatthey just want you to work with their website and speak what you feel and youropinions about it and so on and so forth and then what does a tester need to dook perform the required tasks according to a test scenario speak loudly andclearly into your microphone perform the test in a quiet place you don't want tohave children or any kind of noises in your home you want to be in a quiet roomwhether there's no outside interference whileyou're doing the test and then you want to continuously explain what you'redoing and why on the website say what confuses you and what attracts yourattention propose things that would help them perform the required tasks provideuseful comments and then thoroughly answer the questions in writing at theend of the test for some people testing is naturally easy to do others may needsome practice watch the video on the page which I showed you up there and toget a feeling for what type of feedback is what is required okay and then itsays how much do you get paid now here we go this is what we're interested inright here right alright so how much do I get paid and how much all right foreach test you conduct after the initial qualification test you get paid tendollars you receive payment after approval about one week after the testvia PayPal or Amazon giftcards which they're saying here is recommended Idon't know why what the most of difference right and then you can setyour preferred form of payment in your profile which I'll show you here in justa moment if you don't have a PayPal account you can get one just simply goto and I'll just go ahead and do that and let you see what the sitelooks like here this is PayPal calm you see up here and then you can just signup it just takes an email address that's all that's free to sign up for PayPaland you can send and receive money back and forth to people and/or to your bankaccount or whatnot and so on and so forth all right all right and then oneof the reasons for not getting paid well and we want to provide our clients witha service of high quality so we will have to deny payment redo the tests withanother tester in the following cases another reason you have not tried tocomplete all the tasks make sure that you try to perform the required testsand you've not provided comments on the microphone while taking the test youwant to speak your thoughts aloud as you do the testyour your audio is not clear on your computer test your microphone but takingbefore taking each test too much noise in the background I talked about thatearlier right and also you have multiple monitors and you're recording off thewrong one excuse me yeah you don't want to do thatand so on and so forth and so check could check the preview that would thatwe provide in the at the same and you have set up an external camera for amobile test incorrectly so they're not able to see you on the recording rightand make sure that the camera is at the right angle focused and with good lightexposure and then if you receive a mobile call during the test you want toturn your mobile phone off so you don't want any distractions any noises ordistractions while you're taking this test for this company that that's askingyou to do this test form right what data should you give about yourself well Iwon't read this here but you don't want to well when signing up as a testeryou'll be asked about basic demographic data like age native language and levelof web experience this is done because our clients want to test with differenttests for profiles based on their needs and here what I was going to say wasnone of your personal data name last name email are ever revealed to anythird party companies that you'll be working with right now how much can youearn per month as a tester this is something we're interested in right hereright alright so the amount of money you can earn depends on your rating as atest remember I told you earlier you want to do that qualification test andany other test that you do make sure you do the best you can so that your ratinggets up there higher and higher because the more higher it is the more testsyou'll get the more money you make now says you get rated by the user fieldteam for the first qualification test then you get rated by their customersfor each paid test you take the better your rating the more tests will be ato you the amount of tests you receive will also depend on the amount of orderswe get that asked for your particular demographic profile that you'll set uphere in a moment that I'm going to show you there's no guaranteed number oftests you may get five tests a day which five tests a day at ten dollars equalswhat $50 right so you can make anywhere from ten to fifty dollars per day doingthis job now but you may get no test even for a year since depending on yourdemographic profile and what the customer or the company needs if youqualify because your demographics for the test okay and then when our testperform notifications about available tests are sent to testers when an orderfor a test is placed orders may be placed at any time of the day or nightand if you don't start the test when you receive a notification another testerwill be assigned to it not taking tests that are assigned to you doesn'tnegative negatively affect your your rating I mean you may get one sent toyou but you're out of dinner with your girlfriend or your boyfriend or yourwife or husband right you don't know about it till you get home but it's toolate and you miss it so that's not going to you don't have to worry about thataffecting your your rating if you have a high rating or you're working on gettingyour rating up there right so anyways how do you become a test to become atest you need to register to take the qualification test then it says whatwill my qualification test get rated it depends on the amount of new testersapplying it may can take anywhere between seven and fifteen days it saysor it could take tomorrow I mean just depends you know depends on how busythey are I suppose so anyways now to become a tester you canclick on this link right here or click this button right here off thequestionnaire page here now on this page says become a tester and earn $10 pertest they're going to ask you for your course your first name your last nameyour email and confirm your email address choose your country of resinso see this can be done all over the world guys it this is free to sign uphere and can be done anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer andInternet access right and then then you'll make a password for yourselfright here after that you make a password here and then you confirm thepassword and then you choose whether you want to be paid by PayPal or by Amazongiftcard here yeah it's your choice on that and then you want to put in yourpaypal email that's the email that you signed up with over here on PayPaldid you see right here right and then selector your birth and then down heresays there are cases that test may be completed by the person with aparticular demographic profile welp select your gender fluently spokenlanguages now if you if you speak for example two or three different languagesfluently I would think that you're going to get quite a few opportunities withthis company to do that too I mean you get opportunities if you just speak onelanguage but if you can speak two languages why that's just would probablybe to your advantage on this website right and then you want to select yourlanguage your native language which again you know you got them all over thedifferent all over the world there's like 40 different languages here so pickyour like native language your family status your web experience here wellyou're a regular user a power user or an expert what are you select that typethat in there and then then how many devices do you have available fortesting or do you have a desktop Android phone iPhone Android tablet iPad tabletApple watch or other SmartWatch how about that you can even do thesetestings with with the watches the Apple and different smartwatchestoo and then tell them a little description down here about why youqualify as on this site you can put whatever youthink that you are good at and why you would be a good tester right in herewrite it in there to them you want to check this box to accept the Terms ofUse and the privacy policy and then check the I'm not a robot capture hereand it's gonna probably ask you to put in these different things right here youknow we'll just click on here a couple of these as it gets about all those andthen it verifies you with the green checkmark and you just click the applyfor the tester button right here and then they will contact you with yourqualification test and you can sign up on this website and be a tester and makesome pretty good money with this website if you get a good rating make sure thatyour you know you get a good rate now you can they have like I said theyshowed some some on the front page they have some videos that will show youdifferent people doing these tests that you can watch like right here differentpeople doing these tests right here on different websites and applications oryou can watch the one over here on the become a tester site which will give youan idea on how to do this as well this particular video right here that Ishould play for you those few seconds right and they also have a blog up hereyou can click on their blog and probably find some good articles in here on otherpeople's testing that they've done and you can read up on these and which willhelp you to get your rating up as well on this site as wellso guys there you go there's an easy way to make money from home you just comeright over here to user field comm sign up to be a tester get qualified andbegin to make money from from home easy enough right from your computer ortablet or smartphone or I guess SmartWatch 2 okay guys that's what I hadfor you today I wanted to show you this really cool site where you can make somegood money working right from the comfort of yourhome alright guys don't forget to reach down there and hit that subscribe buttonand click the bell so you get notified of new uploads also don't forget toclick that butt link down there if you want to get out of the rat race thatyou're in in your present job where you have to answer to a boss click that linkdown there where you see mentor with Capcom go over and get signed up to freeup your life and make high ticket commissions where you can work anywhereyou want to work at at anytime you want to work ok also guys don't forget toreach down there give me a thumbs up if you got some value from this video anddon't forget to comment down there too below any ideas or comments you haveabout this video as well alright alrighty guys I'm gonna let you go withthat and I'll see you again here in a couple of days on the next excitingvideo you guys take care and have an awesome day today 

Work From Home Teachers

 - Hey, Angie Nelson herefrom Lately I've been getting a lot of emails from those of you thatare teachers out there. Maybe you are looking topick up some extra work with summer upon us, ormaybe this is your last year teaching and you'regoing to be looking for some opportunities to make some extra cash in retirement. This video is for you. We're going to be talkingabout some great opportunities for teachers and even retired teachers to earn some extra money from home. Make sure you stay to the end of the video to find out how you canget my seven day series on finding work at home, free. Now turning to onlinework at home opportunities to supplement or evenreplace your teaching income is something that a lot ofteachers are doing today whether you are facing a longsummer break, retirement, or even if you're looking fora career or lifestyle change. Thankfully, there are alot of great opportunities out there for teachers and former teachers to make money online, while putting their teaching expertise to good use. Now one of the first opportunities I wanted to talk to you about today, is going to be teachingEnglish as a second language. This is really a booming industry that we're seeing onlinethe last couple of years and it's really offeringa great opportunity for a flexible schedule andsome great pay in some cases. Now in many cases, these sites are going to be providing you with the curriculum that you need in orderto teach your students and in many cases, your students are going to be in other countries. Usually we are talking about China, Japan, South Korea and because those countries are kind of on the other side of the world from us, those students are needing their tutoring in their evenings and that's early in themorning for us here in the US. In many cases we'regoing to be talking about 4:00 to 7:00 a.m. Eastern time is going to be the largest demand for those English as a second language tutors. Now when we get into thisindustry, there are a lot of great websites thatyou can check out here. VIPKID is one, Qkids is another. There's also a site called Cambly. I'll leave you a linkin the description below to a big list of these opportunities, but they're reallyplentiful and in many cases, You don't even need to have a teaching certificate,or a teaching degree. They simply want a Bachelor's degree or even for you to be enrolledin an online university, excuse me, in a university or college. So this is definitely something you could take advantage of, even if you're wanting to hang up your teaching credentials. Now there are a lot ofsites here in the US that also focus on your standard tutoring. Tutoring in things like science, and math and those subjects that weare focused on here in the US. And in many cases,those sites are going to want someone with a teaching certificate, with an active certificate, so that is something to keep in mind. In some cases, they aregoing to be state-specific as well, so you will want to check out the job listings individually and check out what the requirements are. And if you are dealing with a US site, this is going to be anopportunity for maybe you to work in our evenings,if that's something that you're looking for,if you do have a day job. Or maybe you are taking careof children during the day. This will be an opportunity foryou to work in the evenings. Now we do have some seasonal positions when we get into theonline teaching world. Test prep and test scoringare two that we see quite frequently in thespring and the fall. Those may not be opportunitiesthat are available right now, since we are just getting ready to head into the summer season, but it is something that youcan keep and eye open for. A couple of them that wedo see quite frequently would be, Kaplan,Pearson, Measurement Inc. Those are all sites thatdo have frequent openings available in those test prepand test scoring fields. Now we do see quite a few sites that hire teachers as freelance writers. This can be anotheropportunity to take advantage of those little blocks of time that you find yourself available with during the day as manyfreelance writing jobs are really flexible as far asthe scheduling is concerned. As long as you can get your projects done by the deadline, they don't so much care about what time you're doing them or even where you're doing them, if some of you out thereare traveling this summer. A couple of the sites that we often see in the writing industrylooking for teachers are, Magoosh, there is a site called eNotes, ETS, and Measured Progress. Now a lot of these sites,what they are looking for, are teachers to createtest prep materials, study lessons, study guides,things of that nature that you can put your expertise and certain subjects to good use while you're helping out other teachers and other students to kindof hone their skills as well. Now, Teachers Pay Teachers is a really popular site among teachers. On this site, it's going tobe an online marketplace. It's going to have an enormous collection of free and paid resources available for teachers to purchaseand in many cases, they are created by other teachers. We may be talking about study guides or lesson plans and thiscould be an opportunity for you to earn some passive income. Maybe you put your wares for sale up on the site and theyjust kind of make sales as you go on about your business. So it can be a great opportunity to get some extra cash rolling in without a lot of ongoing work. Now, Teachers Pay Teachers probably isn't going to replace your teaching salary, but it can be a good wayto make some extra cash on some work that you've already done. Now those are just afew great opportunities for teachers to make someextra cash from home. I'll leave you a link to a post in the description belowfor you to learn more about these opportunitiesin addition to some others. And while you're over there, make sure you get signed up forthat free seven day series on finding work from home as well. Now, if you liked today's video, please give it a like and a share and make sure you'resubscribed to my channel so you'll get notificationof the next video. Until then, I wish you best of luck in your work at home job search. 

How to make $25000 per month using reddit

 Up to $25,000 per month using reddit what's going on guys inside of this article I'm gonna show you how to use reddit to make money from home make money online without having a website or any special software now let's get straight into it if you're watching this video you probably already knows what ready is and how it works right but if you don't let's just quickly go over it basically reddit is a huge online community it's a huge community that basically talks about everything politics forwards what's going on in the media now inside of this huge community excuse me inside of this huge community we have sub communities called sub reddits so as you can see right herethis subreddit right here is about NBA if i scroll down some more this one'sabout pigs and this one's about road news right here and science right so these are sub communities inside of the big community ready overall that people can join and start to follow so if I go ahead and click on one of these sub credits right here so if I click on this pick ones right here as you can see the community inside of here does the community details they have over 22 million photographers and 39k are online right now now you can go ahead and join the community you can create a post inside of the community basically any member of the community can come on here create a post and add it to the feed now inside of the community there's a ton of rules as you can see over here that the community has to follow and obey now how are we gonna use this to start making some money well the first thing we want to do is start finding all the hottest communities are the hottest subreddit togo ahead and do that just go over to google and type in subreddits the top sub reddits and it's gonna be the first link that pops upready let's click on that and inside of here you can see the top sub reddits by recent activity by subscribers or by growth in the last 24 hours so it'sliterally showing you all the top sub reddits inside of here that are doinghot right now so if we go back to that we can go ahead and choose some of theseright here so we'll just choose jokes jokes is a good one and which is onemore what shoes we can memes memes are always good right now asyou can see this is the sorbetto of memes here's the community details of it and here the post going on guys now every single post is doing pretty hard right now as you can see this one has a hundred and eighty-six comments on it this is a promotional one I think so yeah it doesn't have anything and this one over here eighty comments on it one hundred and five comments and this one four hundred and thirty comments and if we go ahead and click on that one of these are post right here we can see what are the hottest comments right now what are the hottest comments that are usually funny or entertaining to thepost right a lot of times I'm sure like you you've done it yourself people see avideo or people see a post on Facebook and they wanted to start looking at thecomments right away you know a lot of times that's the most entertaining partabout the post or the video that they're watching so a lot of people check the comments out see what's funny see what people are saying now what you can start doing to start making some money with this start turning this into videos soif we hop over to this channel over here this channel is called reddit jar and asyou can see other doing is taking these posts and these comments and making theminto videos and getting thousands of views on them now if I go ahead and click on one of these videos let's give it a try let's see we'll click on that one right there now I didn't pop up but this channel is actually monetized meaning that they pass ads on this channel so this channel is getting thousands of views and just posting ads on the videos just like any other video on YouTube I'm sure you've seen ads on videos before that's exactly what this channel is doing now I didn't pop up right now but this channel is runningnets if you go ahead and go check it out and as you can see if we go back to their videos all they're doing is literally getting post from reddit and the comments and turning it into videos turning more people answered into video sturning the post and the replies into video so I'll try to click one more see if the ad pops up and it didn't again but as you can see guys that's literally what's going on here other doing is making these videos of what people commented and posted on reddit as you can see right here and making money from it on YouTube as you can see this is an ad right here so if somebody clicks on this ad right here they just made some money for it now this channel right here doesn't actually own any of those posts obviously don't own any of those comments obviously but they're still using it and leveraging them to make some money if we go ahead and scroll down into the scription of them as you can see right here if you pay for part of the video is yours and you don't want it there emailme and the video will be taken down so as you can see they don't actually own any of these videos they don't actually you know own any of the comments or any of that stuff they're just leveraging the tools that they have guys making videos about it because they know reddit is a hot website weathers a hot community there's a ton of people on here and if you know if they see you read it somewhere else like on YouTube it's likely that they'll go ahead and click on it if they're already a big fan already itself and so that's something you can start doing to start making money off video because if we go over to social blade over here and hey guys real real quick if you're enjoying the video so far then go down and hit that subscribe button god you guys can see Ipost up daily videos showing you how to make some extra money online so if you guys want to learn how to make some more money from your computer from home then hit the subscribe button down below cuz I post up daily videos guys so definitely subscribe down below show some support guys and hey real quick guys if you guys want overall the best way to start making some money online the best way to make some full-time income online and start building some passive income that's exactly what I'm doing and just click that first link inside of my description and I'll send over to you my number one recommended online income stream so subscribe down below and check that first link out in my description to see the best way to start making some money online checkthat video out right there now back to social blade guys as you guys can seeright here red a jar this channel right here is making an estimated monthly earnings of 1,600 up to 25,000 dollars per month now these are estimated but you know they're really not too far off especially with with the whole ad thing is coming on again when I clicked on that ad right now that you've seenclicked on this head right here they just made some money for that rightthere just from me clicking on that and again guys this channel right here isnot using any special you know software or any special tools or nothing likethat look it's a basic comment basic replies here's another ad again so again if I click on that one more time they make some more money now let me show you guys how to really up your game if we go over to this channel right here this channel is called cow belly studios and again basically doing the exact samething guys all it's doing is taking let's see if I come over here all it's doing is taking memes from reddit and turning it into videos like because theyalready know that these post right here are hot all these posts are hot peopleare clicking on them people are sharing them they're commenting so it's an easy way to really start making some money guys so if we go back to our cow bellyand check this video out right here guys look all they're really doing is turning those memes into videos and this video already got over 800,000 views on it so if we click on any of their other videos let's go ahead and try one out as you can see their channel is also monetized so they have ads going on every time somebody watches an ad all the way through they earn some extra money and every time somebody clicks on one of the ads like this they make even more money guys other donors getting these comments from reddit itself and turning it into videos being creative with it guys so really what I'd want you to do is just study this channel study that this channel over here as well and see exactly what they're doing and how you can go ahead and improve on it now if we go back to this one real quick to the studio belly now if we go back to this one guys as you can see real quick all they're doing again is turning those posts into funny videos now if we scroll down to the bottom and check out their description they have the exact same thing see your meme inside of here and you want to remove credit if you want some compensation or more send me an email so again they don't actually own any of these post I don't actually own any of these comments or any of these things guys are they're doing is leveraging the power of Reddit leveraging the power of the Internet guys and making some money with it so that's honestly one of the easiest ways to start making money guys come on reddit check out some of these hottest  post right here and start turning it into videos just like these two channels they're right here now you don't have to reinvent the wheel or you know come upwith a cool new strategy or anything like that guys just check out what these two channels they're right here this one's called red ajar again and this one's called cow belly studios check out I did excuse me check out what they did and try to improve on it don't try to you know reinvent I try to do something different or anything crazy guys literally they've already written the success formula for you now all you have to do is research it do a little research see what's working for them see what's not working and create your own style of it create your own version that's gonna entertain people and that you could actually call it your own guys so that's exactly again how you can start using ready to make some money from home so I hope you guys did enjoy this article if you guys got some value if you guys like the video then subscribe down below hit that like button and I'll see you guys on the next video 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Play video games and make $36 per hour

I finally made a article that appliesto teenagers on making money. If you like playing videogames, you got a smartphone, You're at least 13 years old, you speak English, and you want to make money.

Then this video might be for you. In this video I'm going to show you how you can get paid up to $36 per hour just to test a video game on your phone. Stay Tuned Yes, yes, yes, yes you're getting closer David. See which one is put a little pepper on the end. Yes. What's going on Fam? Justin Houserhere and welcome to the Justin Houser.. Where go for a vital information in only 5 minutes on how to make you financially smart and rich. Feel free to check the description below for show notes, links to recommended products and anythingthat I might've forgot to mention in this video. And most importantly, if you get value in thisvideo SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON, SUBSCRIBE to my channel and hit thatNOTIFICATION BELL so you will not miss any of my future videos. So let's not waste any time and get rightinto "How to make money playing video games in 2020." The website that we'regoing to be using in this video is called PlayTestCloud is a website that offersgame testers to companies that have games during their prototyping development,soft launch, and even after release. Huge gaming companies such as Ubisoftand Rogue trust PlayTestCloud with their needs.

This site basically helps game developers learn about what the players think about their games and if there's anything that they can approve upon. So how does this work for us gamers? We will get paid by PlayTestCloud tosimply test the mobile game and then get feedback. That's it. What you like about it, what you don't like about it, what you think should be improved, et cetera. This will help the game developers improve their final product or adjust it for after release. What's cool about this is that you can actually test games that haven't even been released to the public yet. So how do I sign up? Go to and click on become a tester in the top right. You will then fill out the required information such as your email, your name, what games you want to play,what gaming device you use, what country you currently live in, etc. Once submitted, you will then receive anemail confirmation. Once the confirmation is received, you will then click on the link toverify your account and then you will be taken to a short qualification test.

Once approved, you will then start receiving games to test and then get paid. Once you start receiving these emails,it will tell you what game you will test, how long it will take, and the amountof money that you're going to receive. An example of this looks like this. You will then download the game application that the email says. Once downloaded, you will thenbe taken to the app to test. Every test usually comes with a 90second introductory type video and where PlayTestCloud will go over the basics on how to perform the test and also the recommendations to makeit even better. Yes, you can skip this part if you've already done a few games already and know you're doing. So let's watch a short video of a demo of someone testing out the game with called "jelly splash." From this point on, you control the entire player experience and people will think out loud and tell you what they think about your game.If your test set up requires it, We can also show people step by step instructions at this point to guide them to specific areas of your game or to have them focus on certain areas for this test. Normally they will just play from the beginning and give their feedback on everything as they encounter it. The touch indicators you see in thisvideo only visible in this test experience video. The players themselves don't see them, but in the video results you get from us, you will know where people touched.

Check out the demo article on the rightif you want to see what that looks like. Pretty simple, right? So once done in the video is submitted, you then complete a short survey of what you thought of the game. You then wait a couple of days and then you can receive your payment in the form of PayPal. So now that we understand the platform visually, let's take a look at some of the mostcommon questions that users have. How much money can I make? sends over a hundredthousand playtest invitations every single month. It is basically you being randomly selected. If you match the demographics that the game developers are requesting based on experience reviews on their website, the average test takes about 15 minutes to complete and you'll make anywhere from $9 to $12 on each test. The average user usually gets about  one to four games per week to test. So let's do the math here. You can make an extra 10 to $50 per weekby simply testing video games for only about 15 to 60 minutes of workif you call it that. Nope, this is not going to replaceyour full time income. However, this could bring in some extra side income, to help you pay for your phone billelectricity, or even start investing. So what devices can I play test on? You can test on Android phone or tablets and also the iOS phone or tablet, I E. The iPhone or iPad or willI be recorded and why? Yes, you will be screen recorded and the audio will also be recorded. This is how the game developer will get their feedback that they paid play test cloud a pretty hefty sum to get note. If a call comes through while you'redoing the test or your headphone gets unplugged or somewhere the issue happens, the screen recording will be suspended. Then you can just go back into theapp and then resume your recording. So what countries are being accepted.Currently the United States of America, United Kingdom and Canada. However, I do recommend that you applyanyways because we can gain, developers are looking for people in yourcountry and you're already signed up. Then you get the notification via email.Can I tell people about the game? No. You will sign an NDA or nondisclosureagreement when you test out the game. So how do I get paid? You'regoing to get paid via PayPal only.

As a fulltime IT, I actually really like this because you don't have to put any credit card information. All they need is just your PayPal email address. When do I get paid? On average, you get paid about 2-5 business days after the test is completed. How can I, my chances of being selected? Keep your profile updated and this also includes updating the games that you like to play. Pro tip put as many as possible and also include games from different categories. Also when the email is sent out to test the game except every email and do it quickly. How old do I have to be? Ages13 and up are being accepted. However, if you're 12 and under and still want to test games, you would need a parent to sign up for you and then they must be there with you while you're testing out the game.However, when the game starts, the parents can not interact with the child. So there it is. How to make money playing video games in 2020.

 I hope this helps you out and if it did, can you SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON? Now it's time for question of the day. Do you know of any additional ways thatyou can get paid from home doing simple tasks such as in this video? Please leave your answer below in the comments as I would love to connect with you. And remember, GOD sees you andHE loves you. See in the next video, 

How to make money from casino, how casino make money

 Hey everyone. This is DMK, here again. In this article, I want to talk about before we get into the specifics throughout this course and this section on entering trades,just talk about our logic and thought process of how we go about making trades and just a 10,000 foot view of what we’re trying to do. It’s obviously a game of numbers and I’ve often said that when it comes to options trading, we should run our business much like a casino does.

We all know that casinos make money, they make money hand over fist, but it's sometimes hard to step back and to find out exactly where their edge is. We know that casinos make money and they have an edge and they want us to play, but let’s quantify that. What does that look like and what are the mechanics and logistics behind that because there’s much more to it than just the percentage that they’re going to win or lose on a given trade or a table game. It comes down to sizing, table limits, number of times that people play or roll the dice. There’s a lot that goes into it and we should act much like a casino does, but we often do the complete opposite and you’ll see why. How does a casino really make money and what's their edge that they have over us? How do we quantify that? Let’s start with roulette. Admittedly, roulette is one of the worst oddsgames, but it’s actually one my favorite ones to play. I mean, go figure. I like playing it and I don’t go there to make money. But when I go, I like to play roulette. I don’t follow all the things with poker and the different players at the table. I just like to play roulette and bet on the different numbers and spaces. But when it comes to roulette, (and we know that game with the wheel that spins and the marble that falls) most often, people will bet on red or black and it’s pretty normal for somebody to go into a casino and just put all their money or red or black or whatever the case is. But here’s the exact way that it’s paid out. You can see the payout is 1:1. That means if you bet $1, they’ll pay you$1 if you win and if you bet $1 and you lose, you lose $1. That’s how the payout works.

It’s pretty fair as far as risk and reward. You put up $50, you could make $50 or lose$50. But here's where the casino’s edge comes into play and there’s two different ones. There’s the European probability which Europeanroulette wheels only have one green zero and they do a little bit better as far as probability. Us Americans, we get hammered and we have two double zeros on our roulette wheel and that means that our probability is even lower. But you can see that the probability of this happening, either one of these, red or black is just about 48% to 47%. Even though you're making $1 for every $1 you put up at risk, the likelihood of you keeping that is 47% which means that the casino’sedge is somewhere around 2.5% to 3%. That’s how we can find out what the casino’sedge is because every time that we make this trade, theoretically, we’re losing about2.5% to 3%. It’s not a lot. It’s not like the casino is robbing you of your money immediately. But over time, you can see how this really grows. And you can see the number of total times it can happen and the colors and everything and the numbers that are covered in this. As we go down on the roulette odds, you can see that probability of red or black is about 46%, 47% depending on how you calculate it and who you look at and the number of occurrences. But you can see that the odds of that happening even with just even numbers that have 1:1 payouts are pretty much the same. The casino is not going to rake you over thecalls and take all your money at once. They want you to stay longer and they wantyou to play longer. And then obviously, as you get further and further down, the probability of hitting any one number on the roulette wheel decreases dramatically, but the payout is obviously a lot higher. Instead of being 1:1, they’ll payout 35:1. If you put up $1 in money to bet and you hitit, you’re going to make about $35 for every $1 that you put up. Big payout, but it’s got a very small likelihoodof actually happening.

Why table limits? You’ve often heard that when you go to acasino that the casino will have a little sign posted there that says that this table has a table limit or a bet limit of say $50 or $100. Having table limits increases the number of“plays” that a person will make which thus increases the house edge back to the casino. The longer you play, the more you stand to lose and that’s period, end of story, there’s no debating it. Casino’s deliberately wants you to make lots of plays and play a lot and they want you to do it with a small amount of money. I often say and I’ve done a podcast on this too, is that if you walked into a casino and you told the casino manager, “I want to bet $1 million on red right now. One bet, $1 million on red, one roll, one spin and that’s it.” And they would absolutely hands down say,“No way.” 99% of casinos would say “Absolutely noway” because their one-time probability of losing on that bet is about 47% that they’re going to lose to you, so it’s too big of a bet in one full swoop. What they would want to see is they want to see you spread that $1 million over thousands of different bets. They limit the amount of money that you can bet on any one roll or any one play because they know that the more you spin, the more you roll, the more behind that you become. Here's a great chart that really shows this and this is with roulette, the odds of going with a black or red or even an odd number,so just one spin. If you spin it one time and the wheel goes around one time, you’re likely to be behind on average about 51%. Remember, you’re getting paid 50/50 if you win, so your risk is almost exactly the same as your reward payout wise. Over the course of 100 spins, the percentage that you would get behind is about 64%, so you’re still in the game here, you’ve been playing for a while, but now you’re starting to lose more and more of that edge to the casino.

And over 1,000 spins then over more importantly 10,000 spins, you can see that on a given night, over 10,000 spins, you have no chance of keeping any of the money that you started with. The longer you play, the less consistent you become. In fact, consistency drops exponentially the longer that you play because that small house edge that we looked at before, 2.5% to 3%slowly goes back to the casino. And this is why they want us to play longer and longer. This is why they have great deals on casino trips and they offer you free rooms and free food because the longer you play, the more money that’s going to get sacked back to them. Having said all of this, as traders and more importantly as options traders, we need to follow the same logic with how we run our business and you have to think of it as a business to begin with. This isn’t a hobby. This is something you do on the side. You have to run this thing like a business and that means that you have to one, make high probability trades. When you go to a casino, you’re not making any high probability trades. There’s a small edge to the house. In trading, we know how to make high probability trades and we can do that. Number two is we’ve got to keep our position size small. We’ve got to set table limits for ourselves. We can’t go in there like I often say like a rodeo cowboy just slinging money around left and right. You got to go in there and you got to make small bets based on your position size. We’ve got a great guide inside Option Alphain the guides and checklist section that helps you determine your position size based ona bunch of different account sizes. And number three, we have to understand that consistency is what leads to profits, so being able to make high probability trades with small positions over a long stretch of time. And going back to the casino example, they didn’t really have a 100% chance of success in winning until they had 10,000 spins.

That doesn't mean that we’ve got to make 10,000 trades, but that does mean that one or even 100 trades over the course of a year may not get us to that consistency level that we want, but we’re assured that if we keep making high probability trades and keep setting table limits for ourselves that we will see success the longer and longer we stay in it. That's why guys in this business who have been in it five years and 10 years become more and more successful because they’ve just made more trades. If they stay consistent and persistent, itwill lead to profits. Hopefully this has been a really good tutorial just to get you started before we get into a lot of the logistics of entering trades and how to manage some of those entry points and looking for trades. It's important to take a step back and understand the 10,000 foot view of what we’re trying to do here. As always, if you guys enjoy this video, please share it online, on Twitter, on Facebook. Add a comment right below this video in the lesson page if you have any questions. I’ll make sure I get back to all of those. Happy trading! 

Earn $1.50 per phone screenshot

 Hey, what is up you guys this is DMK and today's article I'll just show you a brand new methods where you can earn one dollar and fifty cents for every 60 seconds by you. Just taking phone screenshot Okay And let's do a quick map right here One minutes you earn one dollar and fifty cents If you do it for ten minutes You can earn up to fifteen dollars And if you do it for one hour every sixty minutes You can earn up to ninety dollars by just using these methods which I'll show you Step-by-step exactly how to do it and imagine right every hour you can earn ninety dollars. How would you spend those money?

Okay How could that change your life? So I want you to pay really close attention to this entire tutorial and don't miss out on any Important steps and tips so that you can secure your 90 dollars per hour Strategy in this video and make sure that you get all the details and the step-by-step live Demonstration which I'll show you later part in this video If you do wrong on any single steps, you will not get those money right They will not pay you if you make those kind of mistakes and also on the site note this method is really beginner friendly It's hundred percent free and they are covering many different countries Okay, but if you are new to my channel be sure to subscribe to my channel click on a subscribe button right now and also hitting on the Notification bell so that you'll get notified whenever I'm releasing daily new videos to show you different ways to make money online and for some of you guys if you want to learn my number one recommendation To make a full time passive income online What I think is the best right now after reviewing hundreds and hundreds of different websites Click on the first link down below and I'll share with you all the details on the inside So let us go on to today's website, which is for passion calm

Okay on this website, you can start to earn a lot of money by sharing your opinions and taking some screenshot I'll show you exactly how to do this. And also Jason a mareana if you are watching congratulations, right because those two of them they are actually making hundreds and hundreds of dollars already on this website because I do talk about These methods in one of my videos I think a few months ago, but right now I'll show you. What is the strategies? Okay What are the strategies how are they making 100 of dollars by using these strategies? So make sure you pay close attention and watch the entire video because I know that this method is 100% working Okay her percent working before he diving any further we wanna make sure that this company is really legit right is something real but mean so that they have been working with companies of all different size and big companies like you Know some of the brands that you might know of Samsung coca-cola and larell, right. There are some real company. I'll show you right if you know joint them You can become a tester. Okay go over to his home page and click on become a tester on a top right corner Click on this button and you will land on these page.

Ok become a tester You can work online working from home badges using your smartphone and share your opinions and taking a few screenshot Which I'll show you the step by step live demonstration on how to do that, right Even if you are brand new you can get started starting today if you watch this video until the end So the reason why they wanna pay you is because those big companies that we talked about Samsung coca-cola those big brands they want your opinion, right? They want your opinion your experience when you are using their website So if you do this you write some short reviews we shall show you it takes you about 5 to 10 minutes to write those Very short reviews and you take a screenshot of the website and they'll pay you in vouchers and also PayPal every single month Right, and they've been paying out to over a hundred thousand people working from home from many different countries by just doing this job Right here and let me show you how does it work? And how does it work? So first off when you go onto the back office, you see many different websites and application You can use a smartphone or your tablet to do this and after that you can share some feedback You can do it on the positive feedback or even on the negative feedback Right and they'll use the feedback to better improve their company their website and after you submit your feedback and your screenshot They will start to review that by their moderators and if they are done they'll start to pay you right and let me show you what is the feedback so you don't have to worry because For these methods, you don't have to show your face. Ok, and you don't even have to show your voice

You don't have to speak out any stuff unlike other testing website for this a feedback is just a screen of the website Right if you are taking the phone if you are testing on this website, for example If you are testing on protection, you just have to take a screenshot to prove that you have been going to the website Okay, and give a very short clear description, it can be positive. It can be negative Elements, for example, right I would have liked the connection button to be more prominent because I couldn't find it Okay a screenshot Passed a short review a short feedback and that is how you can get paid by doing this over And over again that would take you about five to ten minutes to do it and they'll have unlimited of job Opportunities on this website, right? So if you wanna join them, if you're no guest order just click on these start earning money You'll find these buttons all over the places throughout the website Okay become a tester click on this one and They're gonna load this page and land on a signup form And once you sign up we can actually get instant two euros dollars Once you sign up right once your son are you putting in your email you put in a password?

They're sent you two euros right away without you even do any stop Okay, and once you get verified, you can see tons and tons of different jobs. We shall show you right now the live demonstration Make sure that you watch this video on to the end because there are a lot of tips That I wanna share with you sooner. You can secure your money A lot of people they actually fail to make money on this website because they make these kind of mistakes we shall point out to you in the later part of this video because remember this tent number three is that Your feedback is will reveal by their moderators, right if you get this approved, you will not make any money So make sure you watch this video until the end. So let us go on to the step-by-step demonstration right now So once you sign up once you create a free account on your phone on your tablet or on your desktop you're gonna be login into that and you'll see many different mission many different projects that you can pick up right here for Example for this one you can use a desktop the pay of five euros desktop five euros for this one You can use a mobile phone and they'll pay you ten euros for doing that Okay, and once you complete those different mission different tasks the current show of your congratulations your mission has been validated and they'll pay your money for doing that and you can see how much you earn at the back-office as Well, so let me show you if you're not join them Just click on one of the example If you're not do this chop right now five euros is gonna click on this read the brief. Okay. Click on this green button I'm moving the next step before you're starting a mission. They're gonna give you a quick reminder on what is the expectation, right?

This is very very important. If you didn't complete any one of these you will not get approved by the moderator Meaning that you will not make any money meaning that you will waste your time by doing this job Okay, so make sure that your duties are completely accurate first off. You have to write complete sentences, right? I'll show you exactly how to do that and the later part of this video and also a feedback must contain only One idea a lot of guys. They just threw out many different ideas on one feedback so that way they will not get approve Okay, make sure that you get only one idea in every one feedback and also provide at least one feedback per step Right this I'll show you a few simple steps step one step two step three Make sure that you give only one idea per feedback for every step Okay, and also report at least two problems with maybe one problem is about hey, these buttons is not clickable Maybe the second problem is that I cannot find the about me page. Okay on the website So these are two problems on this report. So let's say you have find two problems on the website You have to mark one problem as important, right? So there is very important you have to do this all correctly so that you can secure your money on your mission Okay, make sure they do that and after that you can click on this next button So after you click on the next button they'll show you the website link crater URL link to the website of Ikea you're gonna click on this link and go to the actual website, okay So follow the step by step instruction visit the IKEA website Take some time to explore and discover the website and give your first impression So once you visit a website, you have to add a screenshot to prove that you actually have visited the website So right now let me show you how you can add a screen shot of the website. Okay? so first off you to click the button and you have to click on this browse button and you have to start to upload your Screenshot and you're gonna go through that and click on this upload green button They'll start uploading your images the screenshot of the website and that's it So once you upload the screen shot of the website You got to select this is a problem or this is accompaniment for the example These guys gonna click on this is a problem And right now you'll get a title of your feedback and also some short description of your experience, right?

Let me show you what you can type on this So now this is a short example, for example The title of the feedback is that clarify what this website has to offer right for this example I think this first impression is not so good I think this is a problem and the feedback that I want to give for them is that I Cannot find a clear offer on the website, right? So the problem is that clarify What is the website has to offer and I'm gonna share some of the experience when I first? You know browsing the website when I first explore the website the first three things I see on the homepage or cookies information. Ash I display about sales happening now and some quick big questions probably about armchairs, but honestly, I don't know Okay None of that is useful to me given I want to buy some furniture The sales announcement might be but again it is so tiny. I do not dare to click on it. It is ridiculous. Really? Ok, so there is some experience of you actually browsing the website is your first impression so after you put in your title and a short description you can click on this feedback is one of the most Important for me. Ok. Remember I talked about you have to mark one of your feedback that's important, right? This could be your first year our first feedback. It could be not important maybe on the next feedback You can click on these This is important right remember to mark one of the feedback as important And after that you can click on these go to the next step or if you want to edit your description you can stay on This tab and edit your description added a title But once you get you ready? You want to go to the next step? Just click on this green button go to the next step. Ok? So now there's a step number one, which is the first impression. So right now you go to step number two again, right?

You're gonna go on to the website. You're gonna give you the URL link click on that You're gonna follow the step by step instruction and upload your images upload a screenshot and compete and repeat the same process That is it, right. Your feedback has been sent successfully you can now create a new one. That's very simple You can do this over and over again. Just repeat it. It's really simple We can do it on your phone on your tablet or even on your desktop So once you complete all the steps at the end I'm going to show you right you have come for feed backs You're gonna identify at least two problems and you have mark at least one as important. Congratulations your fulfill all the requirements But before validating, please reveal one last time your feedback and then click on the finish. Ok, then when do you review again? Make sure that you don't have any mistakes. You're gonna go to again the for feedback once you identify everything is correct Everything secure a just click on this finish Mission button and you'll start to review your application and you're gonna get paid once they're proof. Ok Ok, so that is the step-by-step demonstration that I talked about You have to go to that if you having some difficulty make sure that you watch this video again Follow the step by step instruction that I talked about make sure that you don't miss out any key information Ok, so this one will show up in today's video I hope that you do gain some sort of value from me If you do like this video if you gain some sort of value from me remember You hit the like button and if you are new to my channel Remember to subscribe so that you can make more money with my daily brand new videos here on the notification bar as well And if you would like to learn my number one recommendation to make a full-time passive income online Click on the first link down in the video description Branson tail comm slash start and I'll show you all the details how you can make hundreds.

 If not, Thousands of dollars per day by using these methods. I'm really happy to share with you all the details So click on the link right now Which is what I think is the best right now after personally reviewing hundreds and hundreds of different website. Ok I'll see you on the inside and see you on my next video. Take care and bye for now